Vandaag is de telescoop in gebruik voor #EME, of wel Earth-Moon-Earth communicatie. Dit is het geluid van een Amerikaanse #zendamateur die een signaaltje naar de maan stuurt. Wij horen (naast een hoop ruis) de echo tegen het maan-oppervlak.
Dit is een van de eerste keren dat ons dit lukt op deze frequentie (2320 MHz).
@slightlyoff That's good to know.
We should still remain wary of it though. The reason why the #W3C wound up ratifying #EME #DRM was because every browser vendor had already privately licensed and shipped video DRM behind their back.
Any attempt to ship attestation in a browser needs to be opposed. If only on the rationale that attestation could be easily abused to hide malware (since a lot of malware is scanned for with automated bots).
@tothedaring @roninsysadm @firefox @olyerickson @brave this is about #WebEnvironmentIntegrity not #EME
LoRa Goes To The Moon #Earth-Moon-Earth #longdistance #RadioHacks #moonbounce #pathloss #SDRAngel #HackRF #radio #LoRa #EME #sdr
#earth #longdistance #RadioHacks #moonbounce #pathloss #sdrangel #hackrf #radio #lora #eme #sdr
LoRa Goes To The Moon - LoRa is a communications method that allows for long range radio contacts to be ma... - #earth-moon-earth #longdistance #radiohacks #moonbounce #pathloss #sdrangel #hackrf #radio #lora #eme #sdr
#sdr #eme #lora #radio #hackrf #sdrangel #pathloss #moonbounce #radiohacks #longdistance #earth
@M5JFS as well as, I hope, radio hams engaged in #satellite or #eme communications 🙂 #dopplereffect
#dopplereffect #eme #satellite
When Netflix wants to decide who is and isn't a member of your family, they just twiddle their back-end to block the child that moves back and forth between your home and your ex's, thanks to your joint custody arrangement:
But woe betide the parent who twiddles back to restore their child's service, by jailbreaking an app or the @w3c's official, in-browser #DRM, #EME.
Recently, tens of #amsat ops made their 1st #moonbounce QSO. The thrill of #EME with a biggun creates an illusion of similarity to other modes. EME is different. How small a station you can hear? This thread elaborates on accurate predictions. No magic, only Physics! #hamradio
#hamradio #eme #moonbounce #amsat
In many ways, the years between 2013 and 2018 were the worst of the #openWeb, with the reduction in browser engine variety (Presto, Trident, even EdgeHTML were all discarded in that timespan), #Firefox giving up on legacy extensions and web feeds, and the #W3C #EME betrayal.
Can we make the years between 2023 and 2028 those of its revival? With the #Fediverse taking shape, a return to prominence of the #indieWeb, and the birth of new protocols like #Gemini, the times seem ripe.
#gemini #indieweb #fediverse #eme #w3c #firefox #openweb
Today, Netflix is on the vanguard of the war to abolish adversarial interop. They helped lead the charge to pervert W3C web-#standards, creating a DRM video standard called #EME that made it a crime to build a full-featured browser without getting permission from media companies and restricting its functionality to their specifications:
If you work via #GreenCube, try #EME with big guns. I promise, you will be amazed! As a proof of concept, I made a quick #moonbounce QSO with DL7APV with just a Yaesu FT-818, 40W, 1dB NF LNA and 15 el Diamond antenna held by hand! Easy QSO. Read on🧵
#amsat #io117 #hamradio #hamr
#hamr #hamradio #io117 #amsat #moonbounce #eme #greencube
This was one of the biggest EME systems I ever witnessed which was during a US road-trip but where is it? #usa #hamradio #hamr #antennas #eme #cqdx #contesting #dxing #144MHz #AmateurRadio
#usa #hamradio #HamR #antennas #eme #cqdx #contesting #dxing #144mhz #amateurradio
开个串 #tsn #eme #jewnicorn
胡乱且不负责任猜测,两个人maybe还是朋友?亲密程度几多未知,联系频率如果按照五六年前的说法估计还是一年喝几次咖啡这样(但你卷有小孩了,一般来讲带孩人比较难约),俩人应该都挺怀念夏令营的快乐时光的毕竟确实除了拍戏无忧无虑而且相处也很合拍,只是怀念方式不同?感觉卷西的确不是那种内心情感和个人经历轻易宣之于口的人。但当初为什么突然断了任何明面联系我真的想不通。。到底是谁问心有愧啊 :blobcat_banban: 总而言之:
#TSN #eme #Jewnicorn #感謝永遠有歌把心境道破
@w3c How many such positive articles did you earn with #EME? #DefectiveByDesign
LoRa to the Moon and back: Messages bounced off lunar surface using off-the-shelf hardware
A team of scientists has managed to bounce a LoRa message off the Moon, setting an impressive record of 730,360km for the furthest distance such a data message has travelled.
#eme #iot #lora #moon #radio #wireless
It was fantastic to present my joint work with Yasin Kursat Onder on local-currency #EME #sovereign debt issuance in this workshop. Many thanks to @banquedefrance for their warm welcome and Charles Serfaty and Kai Arvai for achieving this big success !
@atomicpoet Least we not forget, however a bad player MS was with respect to web standards, that the #W3C approved it's first non unanimous standard - #EME. The #EFF was right - it effectively killed #indie #browsers development due to licensing costs.
#w3c #eme #eff #indie #browsers
Nice ham radio documentary on YouTube [25m]
#sota #pota #eme #amateurradio