First day of HS classes tomorrow. I'm still trying to get records from previous schools!! Have a few students who I'm not sure if they are #EMEB / #EnglishLearners or not. ("Not" meaning they already placed out of services - they are definitely at least [emergent] bilingual.)
So, looking forward to talking with them tomorrow.
Have to study more for #español test tomorrow.
Over 220 vocabulary words in about 5 weeks, plus grammar, verb conjugations, etc.
That's about 44 words per week. Sounds like a lot (and it is), but many #EMEB / #EnglishLearner students get that many vocabulary words every day or two, many of them academic words. Plus, you know, the grammar stuff as well.
Many USA #k12 content #Teachers need more #TESOL training.
Or, they could join the #Spanish class I'm in. Get the experience.
#espanol #emeb #englishlearner #k12 #teachers #tesol #spanish #esl #esol
Getting started updating my website. I mostly make available #CreativeCommons licensed readings for #k12 #ESOL and #EMEB studnets / #ELs / #EnglishLearners and some other #OER resources for teachers.
Soooo many #EdTech sites have readings, some at various levels, but in my experience, they don't always consider #ELs specifically, nor do they provide decent formatting.
For example: #PhrasalVerbs and idioms can be difficult for ELs. Vocab in general. Translations are a stopgap, not a solution.
#creativecommons #k12 #esol #emeb #els #englishlearners #oer #edtech #phrasalverbs
I don't know if "i+1" is still orthodoxy or not, but I do know that you can't give an #EL / #EMEB student an "i+7" reading and expect them to learn to read at grade level.
Struggling readers need #RichContent and #ScaffoldedContent.
#el #emeb #richcontent #scaffoldedcontent #esol #esl #reading #k12
Looking forward to updating my website over break. Needs some reorganization, and I have several #OER and #CreativeCommons readings for #EMEB / #EL students to add.
#oer #creativecommons #emeb #el