Inga Leonora · @IngaLeonora
55 followers · 428 posts · Server

Ok, Voyagers be vindicated! Season 3 has been a fucking revelation. Some, honestly, top-shelf Trekking. They've managed to hit a host of familiar beats (like everything e05 through e09) but actually managed to do so well. And occasionally, with slight improvements. 'Future's End' is my favourite time travel episode of Star Trek so far. It's on par with DS9's best ('Past Tense' and 'Far Beyond The Stars') with an entirely different tone. One that I really appreciated. Time travel requires a little humour because it's absurd.

I also like that Janeway feels far more like a feature and not a lesser character in an ensemble.

Setting the Doctor free of sickbay feels like a series saving move. He's been a favourite character so far, but there's not been enough of him to let his character work in response to the others. The Doctor is a Data-esque character that needs to be in reflection or contrast to the other characters (and settings/situations) to really be appreciated. I hope it lives up to my expectations.

Stray appreciations: Added Captain Sulu, added Commander Janice Rand (Rand Stan's unite!), Chekotay and Janeway's most excellent power suits from 1996. I could do without Q, but no matter how hard I try, I can't hate him the way I want. Snaps to John de Lancie for giving the exact right vibes for that character every time. I can't wait to see him in @JessieGender's 'Identiteaze'. (Follower her, now!) And just before hitting post, fucking Susan Plaksin, my favourite half human, half Klingon, and personal vocal life goals, just showed up as Q. Boom!

#startrek #voy #voyager #emergancymedicalhologram #timetravel #commanderjanicerand #powersuit #identiteaze

Last updated 1 year ago