A Review of the Applications of Deep Learning-Based Emergent Language
So, ich habe gerade ein kleines Shellskriptchen [#linux #bash] geschrieben, das sekündlich die Daten der Stromsensoren holt und
– bei Überschuss von weniger als 10 Watt aus #Balkonsolar, bzw. Netto-Stromimport den #compiler anhält (kill -SIGSTOP $pid);
– über Überschuss über 25 Watt aus dem #Balkonsolar den compiler wieder in Betrieb nimmt (kill -SIGCONT $pid)
mit der $pid vom #emerge
#update #gentoo #emerge #compiler #balkonsolar #bash #linux
Apenas "melhorar a si mesmo" não garante melhores resultados (#Desempenho).
O desempenho #Emerge da interação entre as pessoas.
Ou seja:
#Equipes geram o desempenho através da interação entre as pessoas que fazem parte delas.
O desempenho nunca é individual.
Mas as pessoas, individualmente, podem adquirir a #Maestria em um ou mais assuntos e, dessa forma, contribuir melhor para o desempenho da equipe.
#desempenho #emerge #equipes #maestria #betacodex
Just a normal interaction with the system ....I am trying to impress you...see...
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #opensorce #gentoo #emacs #terminal #st #suckless #solarized_dark #molokai #bibtex #emerge #eix #package #update #system
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #opensorce #gentoo #emacs #terminal #st #suckless #solarized_dark #molokai #bibtex #emerge #eix #package #update #system
#cfs #mecfs #LongCovid #emerge
A day in the life of a CFS longhauler (a true story):
I saw a doc today, oh boy
He said from what he'd seen of CFS
We could improve our lot by trying hard
We should just push on through
Now I want to make a film to educate GP's and all
(I'd love to get paid for it, lol)
#cfs #mecfs #LongCovid #emerge
#IlGiro spinge il turismo in #Abruzzo: il 50% degli italiani sogna una tappa dal vivo
#Fossacesia. Non solo il calcio ma anche il Giro d’Italia scalda il cuore degli italiani e viene seguito – seppure con diverse sfumature d’interesse – da quasi due terzi della popolazione, soprattutto la fascia più alto spendente e con più tempo libero a disposizione dei 55-74enni. #Emerge dalla ricerca #Confcommercio-Swg presentata a #Fossacesia, in
L'articolo #IlGiro spinge il turismo in #Abruzzo: il 50% degli italiani sogna una tappa dal vivo sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
The #Giro boosts tourism in #Abruzzo: 50% of #Italians dream of a live stage
#Fossacesia. Not only football, but also the #Giro d'Italia warms the hearts of #Italians and is followed - albeit with different shades of interest - by #almosttwo-thirds of the population, especially the higher-spending and more leisure-time bracket of #55-74year-olds. This emerges from #Confcommercio-Swg research presented in #Fossacesia, in
The article The #Giro pushes tourism in #Abruzzo: 50% of #Italians dream of a live stage seems to be the #first on #AbruzzoLive.
4-5-2023 11:54 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/il-giro-spinge-il-turismo-in-abruzzo-il-50-degli-italiani-sogna-una-tappa-dal-vivo/
#ilgiro #abruzzo #fossacesia #emerge #confcommercio #abruzzolive #giro #italians #almosttwo #first
@nix @pthenq1 @cwebber Personally, I think most of the demands from #Guix would be solved by using #apt or #yum and source packages as well as FLOSS-only repos.
#emerge on #Gentoo basically can do the same as well...
The only issue I can see is that denying any #binaryblob will likely worsen #UX since there is no system [i.e. laptop] on the market that doesn't require at least firmware for GPU and WiFi which they can't FLOSS for patent reasons and with WiFi are even forced to lock-down.
#ux #binaryblob #gentoo #emerge #yum #apt #Guix
Sam Bankman-Fried’s Altruism Wasn’t Very Effective - The disgraced CEO's altruism fell short, and with it, undermined the credibility crypto c... - https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2023/02/16/sam-bankman-frieds-altruism-wasnt-very-effective/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #consensusmagazine #opinion #charity #emerge #sbf #esg
#esg #sbf #emerge #charity #opinion #consensusmagazine
#NicholasHumphrey - Why Did #Consciousness #Emerge?
#Science #Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfMind #Mind #TheMind #SelfAware #SelfAwareness #Neuroscience #Qualia #Metaphysics #Self #TheSelf #Sensation #Illusion #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #illusion #sensation #theself #self #metaphysics #qualia #neuroscience #selfawareness #selfaware #themind #mind #philosophyofmind #philosophyofscience #philosophy #science #emerge #consciousness #nicholashumphrey
Get #emergency #emerge ncy from #warnung.bund.de or alert.swiss
#wetter #opensource #warnung #emerge #emergency #fosswarn
New work from @kordinglab!
Efficient #neural #codes naturally #emerge through #gradientdescent #learning
#AI #neuralnetworks
#neural #codes #emerge #gradientdescent #learning #ai #neuralnetworks
#RoyBaumeister - Why Did #Consciousness #Emerge ?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfMind #Psychology #SocialPsychology #Evolution #SocialGroups #Language #Communication #HumanEvolution #Mind #TheoryOfMind #Intelligence #TheHardProblem #HardProblem #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #hardproblem #thehardproblem #intelligence #Theoryofmind #mind #humanevolution #communication #language #socialgroups #evolution #socialpsychology #psychology #philosophyofmind #philosophyofscience #philosophy #emerge #consciousness #roybaumeister
Writing /etc/fstab could be sometimes painful on #gentoo. Luckily we have genfstab, thanks to @archlinux. You only need 2 commands:
#emerge -av genfstab
#genfstab -U / >> /etc/fstab
Genfstab takes care of mounted partition (be sure to mount /boot and other partitions you need to care, if any) and write a working fstab based on safe settings. It can be installed also in LiveCD/LiveDVD for new installation and in a living OS if you think your fstab is wrong.
CD available now!
#composition #emerge #anjakreysing #text #geraldfiebig #photos #danpenschuck
#attenuationcircuit #collaborativecomposition #ressourcen #spokenword #granularsynthesis #contemporary #music #soundart #immersive #quadrophonia
#composition #emerge #anjakreysing #text #geraldfiebig #photos #danpenschuck #AttenuationCircuit #collaborativecomposition #ressourcen #spokenword #granularsynthesis #contemporary #music #soundart #immersive #quadrophonia
Pushing my slow machine to its limit...heck ...not yet freeze ...keeping my fingers crossed! :)
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #emacs #git #portage #gentoo #emerge #opensource #btop
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #emacs #git #portage #gentoo #emerge #opensource #btop
Pushing my slow machine to its limit...heck ...not yet freeze ...keeping my fingers crossed! :)
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #emacs #git #portage #gentoo #emerge #opensource #btop
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #emacs #git #portage #gentoo #emerge #opensource #btop