If the #Canadian #Convoy protestors and #Conservatives lost their collective minds because of virus mandates and then an #EmergenciesAct to disberse the protests, just imagine their heads exploding if (when?) the government uses the current *actual emergency* (i.e. a considerable % of #Canada literally on #fire) to table actual climate change legislation?
Cmon JT, do it. I want to see #PierrePoilievre and #DanielleSmith's heads explode.
#DanielleSmith #PierrePoilievre #fire #Canada #emergenciesact #conservatives #convoy #canadian
The Tyee: Canadians Want Change. Do Enough Want Poilievre? https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/06/29/Canadians-Want-Change-Poilievre/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #ConservativeLeaderPierrePoilievre #formerprimeministerStephenHarper #ConservativeinsiderFredDeLorey #ConservativeLeaderErinO'Toole #FederalLiberalPartyofCanada #PrimeMinisterJustinTrudeau #ConservativePartyofCanada #JournalistChantalHebert #PollsterDavidColetto #Canadatruckconvoy #EmergenciesAct #BrianMulroney #bankofcanada
#BCNews #TheTyee #conservativeleaderpierrepoilievre #formerprimeministerstephenharper #conservativeinsiderfreddelorey #conservativeleadererino #federalliberalpartyofcanada #primeministerjustintrudeau #conservativepartyofcanada #journalistchantalhebert #pollsterdavidcoletto #canadatruckconvoy #emergenciesact #brianmulroney #BankOfCanada
Homegrown protesters who participated in #Canada’s “ #FreedomConvoy ” last year had no idea, but #Russia used a state-funded #propaganda outlet in an effort to exploit their grievances, amplify social divisions and delegitimize the #Trudeau government. The convoy’s three-week occupation of downtown #Ottawa clogged the capital and prompted the government to invoke the #EmergenciesAct before police cleared the blockades.
#canada #freedomconvoy #russia #propaganda #trudeau #ottawa #emergenciesact #freedumbconvoy #stopputinnow
The Tyee: What the ‘Freedom Convoy’ Taught Us About Ourselves (in Culture) https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/04/14/Freedom-Convoy-Taught-Ourselves/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #AnEmergencyinOttawa:TheStoryoftheConvoyCommission #OPPIndigenousPolicingBureau #InspectorMarcelBeaudin #RouleauCommission #Ipperwashcrisis #EmergenciesAct #JoëlLightbound #MarcoMendicino #freedomconvoy #RobertBernier #DavidLametti #RobStewart #PaulWells
#BCNews #TheTyee #anemergencyinottawa #oppindigenouspolicingbureau #inspectormarcelbeaudin #rouleaucommission #ipperwashcrisis #emergenciesact #joellightbound #marcomendicino #freedomconvoy #robertbernier #davidlametti #robstewart #paulwells
“But the government of #Ontario itself as an institution, and particularly Ford and his cabinet, are called out repeatedly by Rouleau for completely abandoning their posts during the early weeks of the crisis. This was obvious even then, but it is useful to see it spelled out so plainly in black and white...”
This. #Ontario #Ottawa #EmergenciesAct #Convoy #Ford #FordFailedOntario
#FordfailedOntario #ford #convoy #emergenciesact #ottawa #ontario
While I believe extraordinary measures were needed to deal with the Ottawa #DunningKrugerInsurrection, I'm concerned some of the recommendations sound eerily like establishing a #nationalsecuritystate ?
#dunningkrugerinsurrection #nationalsecuritystate #Ottawa #Canada #rouleau #emergenciesact
@citytechie @HeatherMoAndCo There was at least one response threatening to move out of Canada. That at least is encouraging. #cdnpoli #JusticePaulRouleau #EmergenciesAct
#cdnpoli #justicepaulrouleau #emergenciesact
No surprise. Invoking the Emergencies Act was warranted, but preceded by failures of policing and municipal & provincial governments that could have made it unnecessary.
#Canada #canpoli #EmergenciesAct #POEC #PublicOrderEmergencyCommission
#canada #canpoli #emergenciesact #poec #publicorderemergencycommission
Beaverton: Emergencies Act report finds that assholes were indeed assholes https://www.thebeaverton.com/2023/02/emergencies-act-report-finds-that-assholes-were-indeed-assholes/ #satire #canada #commentary #EmergenciesAct #FreedomConvoy #National #DougFord #Ontario #Trudeau #Ottawa #Convoy
#satire #Canada #commentary #emergenciesact #freedomconvoy #national #dougford #ontario #trudeau #ottawa #convoy
Thoughts after reading the #Rouleau report on the #EmergenciesAct during the #OttawaOccupation :
What's wrong with Ontario? Ford proved himself incompetent even before the occupation, yet we gave him another majority. Now he's the most corrupt Premier ever, worse than even Harris.
PCs only ever care about the GTA. Can we talk about making the #NCR a federal district?
Since this was a policing failure, can we find a home for that Battle of Billings Bridge plaque?
#cdnpoli #onpoli #Ottawa #ncr #ottawaoccupation #emergenciesact #Rouleau
BTW the Commissioner was appointed by #Harper so don't even...
#EmergenciesAct #JusticeMatters
#harper #emergenciesact #justicematters
Of course invoking the Emergencies Act was justified. Premier Doug Ford was hiding from any difficult leadership, as usual, Mayor Watson was in over his head, and the Ottawa Police were useless at best, in collusion at worst. https://t.co/e1L4ztKFrG. #convoy #EmergenciesAct #Trudeau #Ottawa.
#ottawa #trudeau #emergenciesact #convoy
The responses to the #EmergenciesAct decision on social media from the #Freedumbers only serves to reinforce the delusion they had then and now. Astonishing. Even more so when it's people I once knew as slightly rational. #KlownVoy #Disinformation #PutinsPuppets #UsefulIdiots #Canada #DemocracyNotAutocracy
#emergenciesact #freedumbers #klownvoy #disinformation #putinspuppets #usefulidiots #canada #democracynotautocracy
If you do want to read it, all five volumes are here. Volume 3 reads like a really good argument against provinces, or at least not letting unserious people run them. https://publicorderemergencycommission.ca/final-report/ #emergenciesact
The responses to the #EmergenciesAct on social media from the #Freedumbers only serves to reinforce the delushion they had then and now. Astonishing. Even more so when it's people I once knew as slightly rational. #KlownVoy #Disinformation #PutinsPuppets #UsefulIdiots #Canada #DemocracyNotAutocracy
#emergenciesact #freedumbers #klownvoy #disinformation #putinspuppets #usefulidiots #canada #democracynotautocracy
Emergencies Act Inquiry Boxscore:
Conservatives, Konvoy Clowns and #Fascists: 0 🤡
Law and Order: 1 🇨🇦
#ClownVoy #Sedition #PMJT #Democracy #EmergenciesAct #Canada #Ottawa #Media
#fascists #clownvoy #sedition #pmjt #democracy #emergenciesact #canada #ottawa #media
The report on the use of the Emergencies Act is more than 2,000 pages. I'll spare you some reading: The government was justified in doing what it did, only because it had failed to so what it should have. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-emergencies-act-inquiry-trudeau-final-report/ #ottawa #clownvoy #emergenciesact
#ottawa #Clownvoy #emergenciesact
“#Commissioner #PaulRouleau says the federal government met the "very high" threshold needed to invoke the #EmergenciesAct last winter, citing "a failure in policing and federalism." "Lawful protest descended into lawlessness, culminating in a #NationalEmergency," he wrote in his highly-anticipated report, tabled Friday in the House of Commons.
#commissioner #paulrouleau #emergenciesact #nationalemergency
'Commissioner Paul Rouleau says #Canada's federal government met the "very high" threshold needed to invoke the #EmergenciesAct last winter, citing "a failure in policing and federalism."'
The report largely aligns with Justin #Trudeau's position, though he does not wholly escape criticism.
Rouleau also lodged scathing assessments of Doug #Ford, #Ontario's provincial government, & the #Ottawa Police Service.
#canada #emergenciesact #trudeau #ford #ontario #ottawa