Please feel free to pass this information on to people in #earthquake country or other places with natural disasters.
How to make a stay box for shelter in place:
Earthquake #safety for #disabled people:
Emergency kit checklist for after a quake: #EmergencyKit Checklist, General
#Quake #Wildfire #flashFlood #naturalDisaster #disability
#earthquake #safety #disabled #emergencykit #quake #wildfire #flashflood #naturaldisaster #disability
Turns out my cheapo battery-operated necklace fan is key to remaining sane during a summer power outage.
#staycool #poweroutage #emergencykit
Global News BC: Grab-and-go: How to prepare for evacuation as B.C. fire and flood risk grows #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #EarthquakePreparedness #emergencymanagementbc #EmergencyPreparedness #evacuationalert #EvacuationOrder #Earthquakekit #EmergencyKit #Grabandgobag #Environment #Evacuation #Emergency #Disaster #whatdoto
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #earthquakepreparedness #emergencymanagementbc #emergencypreparedness #evacuationalert #evacuationorder #earthquakekit #emergencykit #grabandgobag #environment #evacuation #emergency #disaster #whatdoto
Life-saving medical advice for when you canโt reach a doctor. Visit and find out more.
#prepping #firstaid #survival #preparedness #emergencykit #healthyliving #homeremedies
#homeremedies #healthyliving #emergencykit #preparedness #survival #firstaid #prepping
Ranger Gear UHMWPE Braided Survival Cord is so useful when SHTF
#prepping #survivalcache #survivalneeds #preparedness #disaster #emergencykit #SHTF #bugoutbag
#BugoutBag #SHTF #emergencykit #disaster #preparedness #survivalneeds #survivalcache #prepping
Ranger Gear UHMWPE Braided Survival Cord is so useful when SHTF
#prepping #survivalcache #survivalneeds #preparedness #disaster #emergencykit #SHTF #bugoutbag
#BugoutBag #SHTF #emergencykit #disaster #preparedness #survivalneeds #survivalcache #prepping
Also keep emergency preparedness kits in the car (if you have one) as you never know what might happen. This includes solar blankets, flare gun, radio, food bars, bottled water. Food should be switched out every 3-6 months depending on the item and car temperature. I should probably listen to my own advice as I don't have one for my car ๐
#homepreparedness #emergencykit
Battery day. ๐
RT @Safety_Canada
This #BatteryDay set a yearly reminder to check and replace the batteries in your #EmergencyKit. This will keep you prepared in case of an emergency:
A peculiar brain event has led me to the conclusion that I need a Personal Locator Beacon #PLB sooner rather than later. (I've been stupidly putting it off or taking too long to think it through.)
Have you used one in reality? Know anyone who did? Do you carry one routinely? Does it get in the way? What model do you have, do you wish you had?
#PLB #personallocatorbeacon #bushwalking #emergencykit
Organic Frankincense is one of the best emergency / survival items from Mother Nature
#essentialoil #naturalremedies #healthbenefits #highquality #survivalcache #emergencykit #wellness
#wellness #emergencykit #survivalcache #highquality #healthbenefits #naturalremedies #essentialoil
Canceled #LastPass this week and opted for #1Password. Like the #Emergencykit feature particularly.
#lastpass #1password #emergencykit
After being rudely woken up by the 5.2 earthquake this morning, I've now been down to the shops to buy large bottles of water, just in case. This bach is woefully under prepared for an emergency. Have spent the day rectifying that.
#eqnz #emergencykit #earthquake
#eqnz #emergencykit #earthquake
A good reminder from @NVEmergencyMgmt on Twitter:
Are you traveling for #Thanksgiving? Have a winter #emergencykit in your car before getting on the road, include:
๐ Jumper cables, flashlight & extra batteries
๐ Water & non-perishable snacks
๐ Warm clothes, boots & blankets
๐ Phone charger
๐More at:
Ata mฤrie #NZTwits... #CW #Earthquakes Goodness the #eqcnz bot has been going off overnight, 8 quakes in 10 hours centered on Te Ika-a-Mฤui & a few days ago there were a few down our way. Good reminder to make sure your #EmergencyKit is up to date... We've never forgotten our experiences in ลtautahi Christchurch. In saying that, have a cracking day all.
I have a #histodon calender to finish for Kirihimete sales for our 150th Commemorations of #ลtautau & need to prepare a kลrerล for Senior Citz
#ลtautau #histodon #emergencykit #eqcnz #earthquakes #cw #nztwits
Biostructured Silver First Aid Gel is an amazing survival and preparedness item
#prepping #firstaid #survival #essentialoil #naturalhealing #lifestyle #smartchoice #preparedness #emergencykit
#emergencykit #preparedness #smartchoice #lifestyle #naturalhealing #essentialoil #survival #firstaid #prepping