"Sudden crises spark fear and preoccupation with threat. People wonder: Are we going to be okay? In sustained crises, persistent challenges leave people wondering instead: Why bother?"
This is a quick, interesting read delving into the evolving nature of #crisis. It focuses on the private sector, but there are public sector & community lessons as well.
#crisisleadership #emergencymanagement #emergencymanager #leadership #LeadershipDevelopment #LeadershipMatters
#crisis #crisisleadership #emergencymanagement #emergencymanager #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipmatters
Paraphrase of the day: The utopia of the civil defense planner is that everybody has a role and is trained to perform it.
#emergencymanagement #emergencymanager #crisismanagement
~ Attributed to Barton, Communities in Disaster (1969)
#emergencymanagement #emergencymanager #crisismanagement
(This is a thread; please see the previous posts.)
To adhere to ICS is (only) to deploy the framework when necessary.
Slotting someone into an ICS role with no prior leadership or managerial development invites failure.
No matter how pretty the wire diagram.
#emergencymanagement #emergencymanager
(Friendly discussion welcome.)
#emergencymanagement #emergencymanager
Working with many small, often rural communities has led to me to ponder similar questions.
Interesting ideas ripe for pushing a necessary conversation forward.
#emergencymanagement #emergencymanager #preparedness #emergencyplanning
#risk #riskreduction #hazardmitigation
#emergencymanagement #emergencymanager #preparedness #emergencyplanning #risk #riskreduction #hazardmitigation
The part about #emergencyplanning that too many people overlook is that it's not about *just* generating content for the plan. Rather, it's about education, building relationship, and collective learning.
The opportunity to ask open-ended questions is priceless.
#emergencyplanning #emergencymanagement #businesscontinuity #emergencymanager
When we engage our stakeholders in #emergencyplanning, how often do we - as #emergencymanagement practitioners - dominate the discussion as opposed to facilitate it?
#emergencymanager #crisismanagement #crisisleadership
#emergencyplanning #emergencymanagement #emergencymanager #crisismanagement #crisisleadership
"98% of business leaders who activated their crisis communications plan said it was effective - 77% say it was very effective."
#emergencymanagement #crisis #crisismanagement #crisisleadership #emergencymanager
#emergencymanagement #crisis #crisismanagement #crisisleadership #emergencymanager
Staying bonafide for another five years.
#emergencymanagement #emergencymanager
Quick, informative overview of The Conference Board's 2023 outlook on #crisis #preparedness. Great to see #strategic #leadership alongside crisis management.
Though risks may differ, notice the similarities between corporate and community preparedness.
#emergencymanagement #emergencymanager
#crisismanagement #crisisleadership
#crisis #preparedness #strategic #leadership #emergencymanagement #emergencymanager #crisismanagement #crisisleadership
Matching requirements are a significant challenge, particularly in #rural areas. See it all day, every day on mitigation & response-oriented grants.
Skin in the game - for #mitigation, #preparedness...all of it - but the notes in the article about a more equitable match methodology are spot on.
#rural #mitigation #preparedness #emergencymanagment #em #emergencymanager #ruralempowerment
The author borrows heavily from Boin and colleagues on the "five things," but I will say the adage that #crisismanagement is about prepareness. & #crisisleadership about adaptability is a good one.
#crisismanagement #crisisleadership #emergencymanager #emergencymanagers #emergencymanagement