When natural disasters fueled by a changing climate grab the headlines, #FEMA gets most of the scrutiny on the government response. But feds generally swoop in 2 aid recovery after storm has passed. Local #emergencymanagers are first 1st on the ground. They know the roads, access points community dynamics. Rapidly #warming #planet makes #fires, #storms more frequent, intense, localities R facing unprecedented conditions and they are not prepared. #ClimateCrisis https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2023/08/22/climate-disasters-are-clobbering-local-responders-00112247
#fema #emergencymanagers #warming #planet #fires #storms #ClimateCrisis
The author borrows heavily from Boin and colleagues on the "five things," but I will say the adage that #crisismanagement is about prepareness. & #crisisleadership about adaptability is a good one.
#crisismanagement #crisisleadership #emergencymanager #emergencymanagers #emergencymanagement
Hey #Mastodon, do you like #DisasterMovies, #Movies in general or just plain #Christmas?
At 8pm on Tuesday a bunch of #UK #EmergencyManagers will be watching #DieHard and offering our professional opinion. We’d love for you to #JoinUs for #EPMOVIENIGHT!
Tell all your friends!!
#mastodon #DisasterMovies #movies #christmas #uk #emergencymanagers #diehard #joinus #EPMOVIENIGHT