An internal government document reveals how B.C., citing ‘significant impacts’ on forest sector jobs and provincial revenue, aims to prevent Ottawa from stepping in to save a species on the cusp of #Canadian #extinction
#EmergencyOrder #BCNDP #NewDeathParty #CorporateGreed #SpeciesAtRisk #WildlifeAtRisk #ecology #WildFirst #ProtectTheWild #StopEcocide #BritishColumbia #Canada #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #SpottedOwl #MassExtinction #birders #InternalDocuments
#canadian #extinction #emergencyorder #bcndp #newdeathparty #corporategreed #speciesatrisk #wildlifeatrisk #ecology #wildfirst #protectthewild #stopecocide #britishcolumbia #canada #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cascadia #spottedowl #massextinction #birders #internaldocuments
“The minister is #LegallyObligated to make an #EmergencyOrder recommendation to cabinet to #protect this #iconic species - any further delay is unacceptable,” said Rachel Gutman, lawyer w/ #Ecojustice - representing #AdvocacyGroup #WildernessCommittee . “With the #logging season upon us and only one #owl remaining in the wild, the failure to immediately protect the species’ remaining habitat risks the #extirpation of the #SpottedOwl from #Canada ”
#legallyobligated #emergencyorder #protect #iconic #ecojustice #advocacygroup #wildernesscommittee #logging #owl #extirpation #spottedowl #canada #britishcolumbia #pnw