Wow. The Allied Media Conference is no longer going to happen.
I really respect the decision, but damn am I going to miss that event.
That space served as fertile ground and a creative incubation to movements, tendencies and ideas like #BLM #CommunityTech #EmergentStrategy and so many others.
#blm #communitytech #emergentstrategy
One of my oldest friends, Marcie Bianco, who grew up across the street from me, has a book coming out in a couple of weeks. I hope you'll show her and her book some love and attention. I think there's going to be a lot of overlap between some of the work we've been doing with #ClimateAction and #EmergentStrategy in #HigherEd and Marcie's ideas.
#climateaction #emergentstrategy #highered #bookrecommendations
Notiz aus dem synchronizität-sattem Leben von Molo. Über Andrew Boyd (»I Want a #BetterCatastrophe«) die großartige adrienne maree brown (»#EmergentStrategy«, Hrsg »Octavia’s Brood«) entdeckt. adrienne regt mich an, endlich mal was von Octavia E. Butler zu lesen. Entdecke GESTERN, dass es frisch ne Neuübersetzung von »The Parable of the Sower« (1995) gibt. Lese heute — genau EIN JAHR vor Handlungsbeginn — a bissi rein.
Bonus: #Inhaltsverzeichniswahn
#bettercatastrophe #emergentstrategy #inhaltsverzeichniswahn
@elight @gerrymcgovern Have you read #EmergentStrategy and #PleasureActivism yet?
#emergentstrategy #pleasureactivism
@zippy1981 @elight What do you mean "scales like finance?"
Do you mean "I can create no material benefit but still receive a substantial portion of the wealth created?"
In that case, no... nothing will scale like finance; because finance (and software) are unique in that they scale not on access to physical materials; but based upon access to information.
If you mean "Scale" as in "impact a wide number of people'I would encourage picking up #EmergentStrategy, which is about fractal-scaling.
One thing I am holding close to my heart and feeling joyful about is #MYFest23. It's a completely unique CPD event that lasts three months, runs sync and async events and has a firm "no FOMO" policy. It's a real chance to come together at talk #EmergentStrategy , #InclusivePractice #AIinEducation and more. If you're feeling just on edge, or like you are hitting empty, this is a place you can recharge and explore. You can find out more here!
#myfest23 #emergentstrategy #inclusivepractice #aiineducation
🎙️ Tomorrow marks the start of our 8th podcast institute with @natlhumanities.!
This iteration welcomes 72 incredible scholars who'll be joining our growing community of humanists interested in new modes of inquiry & #DigitalStorytelling. They'll go from 0 to #podcast in under a week! But equally important, they'll engage in care-based collaboration rooted in #EmergentStrategy as we (re)imagine what academia can be.
#digitalstorytelling #podcast #emergentstrategy #dhatsdsu #dh #digitalhumanities
Worth thinking about #MyFest23 if you are in #EducationalDevelopment, #AcademicDevelopment or any kind of #teaching role (or are just interested!). There is so much there to learn from (including for #EmergentStrategy fans!). More in the toot here:
#myfest23 #educationaldevelopment #AcademicDevelopment #teaching #emergentstrategy
Up next is Holding Change: The Way of Emergent Strategy Facilitation and Mediation by adrienne maree brown. Love her work. Highly recommend anything written by her.
#books #reading #SocialJustice #EmergentStrategy #read #nonfiction
#books #reading #socialjustice #emergentstrategy #read #nonfiction
Wer traurig ist, weil Octavia Butlers Parables nie vollendet wurden: Ich lese gerade ihre ältere Trilogie Lilith's Brood (aka Xenogenesis, aka Gene Stealer), und erkenne darin schon sehr viel von dem wieder, was ich letztes Jahr bei meinen Recherchen fürs Science Fiction Jahr über das nie vollendete Parables of the Trickster rausgefunden habe. Ich will nicht sagen, dass sie sich wiederholt hätte, das hätte sie mit Sicherheit nicht, aber dass das große Thema Change und Adaptibility da so zentral ist, dass ich eine Ahnung kriege, wohin uns die Parables geführt hätten. #OctaviaEButler #Parables #EmergentStrategy
#OctaviaEButler #parables #emergentstrategy
#OER23 Kate Molloy describing her work at @universityofgalway using a 'critical pragmatism' lens (with nod to @kate and @jimgroom). Kate highlights significance of adrienne marie brown's 'Emergent Strategy' concepts – the second mention of this work here today.
I just listened to this brilliant conversation between adrienne marie brown & Baratunde Thurston, so will share here. highly recommended #EmergentStrategy
New post on inclusion, change, and disagreements among us:
#OrganizationalCommunication #EmergentStrategy #facilitation #disagreement #coalition #solidarity
#organizationalcommunication #emergentstrategy #facilitation #disagreement #coalition #solidarity
We're finally resuming the Praxis NYC reading group. I'm pretty proud of the syllabus!
#BookClubs #radicalsyllabus
#abolishthefamily #starhawk #emergentstrategy
#BookClubs #radicalsyllabus #abolishthefamily #Starhawk #emergentstrategy
You can keep up with the latest escapades of the starship Jupiter's Ghost by following the ship's record keeper @jandrews or their Comms officer @tkadathran
I really recommend subscribing to the podcast, but I'm biased, both towards this podcast specifically and towards RSS more generally.
The whole thing is CC-BY-SA licensed and centered around community engagement and creation -- Collaborative ideation is the name of the game #emergentStrategy
@seanalan #EmergentStrategy is such a beautifully written and informative book.
I just purchased #AdrienneMareeBrown's book #HoldingChange and am looking forward to delving into that more into the new year.
Happy to take other recommendations about #movement & #antioppression #facilitation, #Participatory processes, and #DemocraticGovernance
#emergentstrategy #adriennemareebrown #HoldingChange #movement #antioppression #facilitation #participatory #democraticgovernance
@theneurotrust @schock one of my fav books read in 2022 was #EmergentStrategy by #AdrienneMareeBrown
#emergentstrategy #adriennemareebrown
Well here's an exciting invitation. For my podcast, #HowToCitizen, we are interviewing THE adrienne maree brown! And you're invited to join virtually and ask questions. It's going down Thursday December 15, 9am PT, Noon ET.
Register here:
#democracy #civicengagement #fractals #emergence #emergentstrategy #octaviabutler #liberation #blacktwitter #blackfediverse #podcast
#HowToCitizen #democracy #civicengagement #fractals #emergence #emergentstrategy #octaviabutler #liberation #blacktwitter #blackfediverse #podcast
I'm part of a new-ish book club at work that will be reading #EmergentStrategy by adrienne maree brown in the new year. Super excited to explore new ideas in the #SystemsThinking space with colleagues. 2022 has been rough. So I think my #1 goal is looking for ways to engage in complex issues from a more joyful place. Because right now I'm finding it hard to be optimistic about much of anything.
Any suggestions? How do you stay hopeful or find it again?
#systemsthinking #emergentstrategy
I'm part of a new-ish book club at work that will be reading #EmergentStrategy by adrienne maree brown in the new year. Super excited to explore new ideas in the #SystemsThinking space with colleagues. 2022 has been rough. So I think my #1 goal is looking for ways to engage in complex issues from a more joyful place. Because right now I'm finding it hard to be optimistic about much of anything.
Any suggestions? How do you stay hopeful or find it again?
#systemsthinking #emergentstrategy
#7books #nonfiction #transitionhandbook #emergentstrategy #specialtopicsinbeingahuman #beautifultrouble #curatedcloset #intentionalthread #PedagogyOfTheOppressed