New article from me, in The Conversation – ‘Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever – why this tick-borne virus could become more common in richer countries’
#publichealth #globalhealth #crimeancongo #viralhemorrhagic #virus #emerginginfections #ticks #tickborne
#publichealth #globalhealth #crimeancongo #viralhemorrhagic #Virus #emerginginfections #ticks #tickborne
Fatal Case of #Heartland Virus Disease Acquired in MD or VA.
#ticks #EmergingInfections #zoonoses
#heartland #ticks #emerginginfections #Zoonoses
This is my second #introduction since I migrated my account from another server and my MastodonLine cleared.
I am an #InfectiousDiseases #Physician who practices in #Zaragoza, #Spain.
I have a broad interest in infectious diseases and more specifically in:
#Healthcare associated infections
among others.
I have learnt a lot in the bird site and I do not want to lose the opportunity to do it so here too
#introduction #infectiousdiseases #Physician #Zaragoza #Spain #antimicrobialstewardship #healthcare #HospitalEpidemiology #emerginginfections #BehaviorChange #MedEd
Hi, I’m new here so though I’d do an intro.
I’m a physician based in the UK. I spend much of my time at work talking about and giving #vaccines.
I post a lot about #LongCovid #PASC and all things #SARSCoV2. I’m still getting my head around content warnings/wrappers for this, but working on it 😀
Also interested in:
#EmergingInfections #EIDs #TravelHealth #Virology #PublicHealth #GlobalHealth #Epidemiology #Immunology #OneHealth #ClimateChaos #Zoonosis
#introduction #vaccines #LongCovid #PASC #SarsCoV2 #emerginginfections #EIDs #TravelHealth #virology #publichealth #globalhealth #epidemiology #immunology #OneHealth #climatechaos #zoonosis
@ct_bergstrom turns out I was supposed to tag everything :verified_flashing: #introduction #IDMastodon #MedMastodon #globalhealth #GlobalHealthEquity #PlanetaryHealth #OneHealth #ClimateChange #typhoid #Metagenomics #antimicrobialresistance #AMR #emerginginfections and 5-7 or more other random things: #dogsofmastodon (Disco!) #bouldering #guitar #FenderJaguarsOfMastodon #HealthEquity #decolonializeglobalhealth #halfasianjew #peranakan #ColeRanchWine #disco
#introduction #IDMastodon #MedMastodon #globalhealth #GlobalHealthEquity #planetaryhealth #OneHealth #ClimateChange #typhoid #Metagenomics #antimicrobialresistance #AMR #emerginginfections #dogsofmastodon #bouldering #guitar #FenderJaguarsOfMastodon #HealthEquity #decolonializeglobalhealth #halfasianjew #peranakan #ColeRanchWine #disco