Binance Boosts Bitcoin, Ether Trading in Argentine, Brazilian, South African Currencies With Fee Promotion - The crypto exchange's promotion comes as trading volumes plummet to four-year lows, hurti... - #centralizedexchange #emergingmarkets #markets #binance #trading #news #fees
#fees #news #trading #binance #markets #emergingmarkets #centralizedexchange
All Nations Invited to Join BRICS Said ‘Yes’ to Membership: Russian Diplomat - The six countries that received an invitation to become members of BRICS at its su... - #emergingmarkets #memberstates #organization #enlargement #invitations #southafrica #candidates #newmembers #expansion #diplomat #members #russian #russia #summit #brics #group #news #bloc
#bloc #news #group #brics #summit #russia #russian #members #diplomat #expansion #newmembers #candidates #southafrica #invitations #enlargement #organization #memberstates #emergingmarkets
Credit Scoring Service Spending will Reach $44 Billion - #OpenBanking #Fintech #EmergingMarkets #trends - "Open Banking can address numerous challenges, especially relating to cash flow and debt management."
#openbanking #fintech #emergingmarkets #trends
Southeast Asia Startup Ecosystem is not land locked but language locked from Jeremy Au
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#vc #thailand #malaysia #singapore #vietnam #manila #indonesia #emergingmarkets #economy #useconomy #chinaeconomy #TechTrends #southeastasia #asean #startups #venturecapital
#AI poses a major threat to the global workforce. #JobSecurity is a top priority for many, and it's up to us to make sure #AI is used responsibly to maximize the potential of people's #Skills. We need to ensure that #EmergingMarkets are not left behind and that people can still benefit from the advancements of #AI. #ProtectOurJobs
#ai #jobsecurity #skills #emergingmarkets #protectourjobs
Für Bewohner der "nordwestlichen Randgebiete" (Doris Lessing) schwer vorstellbar, so doch möglich:
Daß einer den #EmergingMarkets als Held erscheint, der sich der Expansion der mächtigsten jemals auf Erden gesehenen Militärmaschinerie in den Weg stellt.
Was dazu in den internen Medien des "Westens" gesagt, geschrieben, diskutiert und ignoriert wird, ist durchweg geeignet, sich angeekelt/schamhaft abzuwenden.
Vollkommen ernüchternd ist schlußendlich die fehlende Generationendiskrepanz. :'(
The growth of angel investing changes the dynamics in Southeast Asia according to Jeremy Au
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#emergingmarkets #economy #useconomy #chinaeconomy #TechTrends #southeastasia #asean #startups #venturecapital #shorts
How is the Southeast Asia market compared to the US and China? by Jeremy Au
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#venturecapital #startups #ASEAN #southeastasia #techtrends #chinaeconomy #useconomy #economy #emergingmarkets #China #India
#india #China #emergingmarkets #economy #useconomy #chinaeconomy #TechTrends #southeastasia #asean #startups #venturecapital
Sharia-Compliant Islamic Coin Secures $200 Million in Funding From ABO Digital - Islamic coin, a Sharia-compliant crypto asset, has secured $200 million from ABO Digital,... - #societyforworldwideinterbankfinancialtelecommunication(swift) #emergingmarkets #shariacompliant #islamicbanking #tokenization #aminenedjai #islamiccoin #abodigital #web3
#web3 #abodigital #islamiccoin #aminenedjai #tokenization #islamicbanking #shariacompliant #emergingmarkets #societyforworldwideinterbankfinancialtelecommunication
“If you believe that ...if you shut (those who don't want to fight) up in Russia there will be a revolution, then that is not going to happen, ...People with no weapons in their hands are not going to rise up against a totalitarian regime."
RT @bneintellinews
Exiled Russian oligarch Khodorkovsky urges caution using sanctions, but says they are working
#bne #bneEditorsPicks #EmergingMarkets #Russia #Ukraine #sanctions #Ukraine…
#bne #bneeditorspicks #emergingmarkets #russia #ukraine #sanctions
What ChatGPT Thinks About Digital Assets - Todd Groth of CoinDesk Indices quizzes ChatGPT about crypto and then explores how that mi... - #emergingmarketsanddevelopingeconomies #cryptolong&short #emergingmarkets #newsletters #technology #opinion #chatgpt #openai
#openai #chatgpt #opinion #technology #newsletters #emergingmarkets #cryptolong #emergingmarketsanddevelopingeconomies
Happy Monday! Did you know that VR is already being leveraged in Emerging Markets for training?
Tune in Meta Minutes s3e2 when I had an inspiring conversation with Joseph B Crosswhite about his work in Africa and other emerging markets leveraging #VR for training.
#podcast #metaverse #ReplyPodcast #metaminutes #xr #vr #mr #ar #education #training #emergingmarkets #africa
#vr #podcast #metaverse #replypodcast #metaminutes #xr #mr #ar #education #training #emergingmarkets #africa
Report: UAE Central Bank Implements Digital Currency Strategy - The central bank in the United Arab Emirates said it has started implementing its ... - #bankforinternationalsettlements #hongkongmonetaryauthority #khaledmohamedbalama #financialinclusion #emergingmarkets #bankofthailand #financialhub #cbdc #r3
#r3 #cbdc #financialhub #bankofthailand #emergingmarkets #financialinclusion #khaledmohamedbalama #hongkongmonetaryauthority #bankforinternationalsettlements
Bank Consolidation Threatens Freedom, Makes Case for Bitcoin - The biggest threat from the banking crisis triggered by this month’s collapse of Silicon ... - #emergingmarketsanddevelopingeconomies #consensusmagazine #siliconvalleybank #moneyreimagined #emergingmarkets #centralization #silvergatebank #newsletters
#newsletters #silvergatebank #centralization #emergingmarkets #moneyreimagined #siliconvalleybank #consensusmagazine #emergingmarketsanddevelopingeconomies
Bitcoin Rise in First Month of 2023 Moves Crypto Fear Index From ‘Extreme Fear’ to ‘Greed’ - Last month, statistics showed that the Crypto Fear and Greed Index (CFGI) had a sc... - #interestrateexpectations #cryptofearandgreedindex #btcmarketsentiment #cryptomarketupdate #interestratehikes #cfgirankingscore #emergingmarkets #marketsentiment #bitcoinmarkets #cfgi
#cfgi #bitcoinmarkets #alternative #marketsentiment #emergingmarkets #cfgirankingscore #interestratehikes #cryptomarketupdate #btcmarketsentiment #cryptofearandgreedindex #interestrateexpectations
Hashkey Capital Raises $500 Million for Its Third Fund, Despite Crypto Market Downturn - On Tuesday, global asset manager Hashkey, which focuses on crypto and blockchain i... - #hashkeyfintechinvestmentiii #institutionalinvestors #blockchaintechnology #sovereignwealthfunds #globalassetmanager #cryptosolutions #emergingmarkets #zainternational #customerassets #fundmanagement #news
#news #fundmanagement #customerassets #zainternational #emergingmarkets #cryptosolutions #globalassetmanager #sovereignwealthfunds #blockchaintechnology #institutionalinvestors #hashkeyfintechinvestmentiii
With the Annual Meeting in Davos in full swing (which I am not at), I unpacked The Path to 2025 section of WEF's Global Risk Report through the lens of corporate #ESG.
The near-term risks called out were ones that have made headlines and will likely continue to:
🍳Cost-of-living crisis
📉Economic downturn
🚢Geoeconomic warfare
🌪️Climate action hiatus
🤜Societal polarization
There is a lot for companies to consider in these areas, but leaders should pay attention to their interconnected nature. The confluence could lead to a new polycrisis that they can either deal with on their terms or when it pops up, which may be too late.
Learn more here!
#Risk #WEF2023 #ClimateCrisis #EmergingMarkets #Geoeconomics #CostOfLivingCrisis #Sustainability
#esg #risk #wef2023 #ClimateCrisis #emergingmarkets #geoeconomics #costoflivingcrisis #sustainability
DMCC Crypto Centre Surpasses 500 member companies in 2022 - The presence of over 500 blockchain and Web3 firms inside the Dubai Multi Commodit... - #investorconfidence #dmcccryptocentre #emergingmarkets #ahmedbinsulayem #feryalahmadi #blockchain #web3
#web3 #blockchain #feryalahmadi #ahmedbinsulayem #emergingmarkets #dmcccryptocentre #investorconfidence
Led by a weaker #dollar and a reopened #China, #EmergingMarkets are enjoying their biggest rally since 2010. Will it prove sustainable?
#dollar #china #emergingmarkets
Prices in Dollars Rose Almost 54% in Venezuela During 2022 - Prices in Venezuela have been rising steadily even when denominated in foreign cur... - #dollardenominatedprices #asdrubaloliveros #emergingmarkets #hyperinflation #ecoanalitica #inflation #venezuela #usdollar
#usdollar #venezuela #inflation #ecoanalitica #hyperinflation #emergingmarkets #asdrubaloliveros #dollardenominatedprices