#DidYouKnow that @ECER_EERA supports emerging researchers via a wide variety of activities - including bursaries - throughout the year by the #EmergingResearchersGroup? #EduSci #ECRchat #PhDchat #AcademicChatter @SaneeyaQ Learn more here: http://ow.ly/kfHp30suAiE
#didyouknow #emergingresearchersgroup #edusci #ecrchat #phdchat #academicchatter
RT @SaneeyaQ
And that's a wrap for our #ECER2023 #ERC reviews!
8 weeks & 1300 reviews later, I have no more words left but to express my deepest gratitude to the #EmergingResearchersGroup's 97 Programme Committee members who helped with our record-breaking submissions!🙏
Next stop: Glasgow!🤗
#ecer2023 #erc #emergingresearchersgroup
RT @SaneeyaQ
On behalf of @ECER_EERA's #EmergingResearcher community I couldn't be more delighted that its @LisaBugno to whom I'll be handing over the reins of the #EmergingResearchersGroup🥳👏
I am hugely excited to see Lisa shaping this role as her own & driving it to✨heights of success!🤗 https://twitter.com/ECER_EERA/status/1639302232821874689
#emergingresearcher #emergingresearchersgroup
RT @ipeksaralar
Congrats Lisa for your new role. No doubt you will do a great job. All the best. @ECER_EERA #EmergingResearchersGroup https://twitter.com/ECER_EERA/status/1639302232821874689
From our #EmergingResearchersGroup - Turkish education researcher Dilara Özel on social capital and how it affects her work #ERG #ECRchat #EduSci #AcademicChatter #EERAblog https://blog.eera-ecer.de/how-your-social-capital-affects-your-research
#emergingresearchersgroup #erg #ecrchat #edusci #academicchatter #eerablog
#DidYouKnow that @ECER_EERA supports emerging researchers via a wide variety of activities - including bursaries - throughout the year by the #EmergingResearchersGroup? #EduSci #ECRchat #PhDchat #AcademicChatter @SaneeyaQ Learn more here: http://ow.ly/zSHf50MEoJp
#didyouknow #emergingresearchersgroup #edusci #ecrchat #phdchat #academicchatter
#DidYouKnow that @ECER_EERA supports emerging researchers via a wide variety of activities - including bursaries - throughout the year by the #EmergingResearchersGroup? #EduSci #ECRchat #PhDchat #AcademicChatter @SaneeyaQ Learn more here: http://ow.ly/zSHf50MEoJp
#didyouknow #emergingresearchersgroup #edusci #ecrchat #phdchat #academicchatter
From our #EmergingResearchersGroup - Turkish education researcher Dilara Özel on social capital and how it affects her work #EduSci #ERG #ECRchat #EdChat #AcademicChatter #EERAblog http://ow.ly/g5OA30st1TL
#emergingresearchersgroup #edusci #erg #ecrchat #edchat #academicchatter #eerablog
RT @SaneeyaQ@twitter.com
I'm privileged to lead @ECER_EERA@twitter.com's #EmergingResearchersGroup whose remit covers 4⃣ key areas 👇
If you consider yourself to be an #EarlyCareerResearcher in any area of #EducationalResearch & want to know more, do reach out🤗
You can also learn more at: https://eera-ecer.de/networks/emerging-researchers-group/
#educationalresearch #earlycareerresearcher #emergingresearchersgroup