emfprotection.one/emf-protecti 360 Degree Protection (with 5G Blocking EMF canopy.) Completely Block 5G EMF radiation, Microwave and Dirty Electricity from yourself and loved ones. Block and Shields harmful EMF waves that damage your DNA, brain, nervous system and immune system. 5G makes you more susceptible to Corona and Flu. Protect your family and loved ones easily.

#EMF #5G #WiFi #emfprotection #health

Last updated 1 year ago

emfprotection.one/emf-pendant- 5G EMF radiation from cell phones and 5G towers is a deep penetrating type of harmful radiation that literally cooks your cells (brain, DNA, immune system, nervous system.) EMF protection pendants and necklaces can keep your DNA, Immune System, heart and brainwaves (as seen in EKG and EEG) free from very harmful 5G EMF Waves. The newer vaccines work WITH 5G EMF radiation to wipe out your immune system! If you have chronic headaches, irregular heartbeats, sinusitis, you may be absorbing these harmful radiation waves.

#5G #EMF #vaccines #radiation #emfprotection

Last updated 1 year ago

emfprotection.one/emf-protecti Protect yourself and your children from EMF radiation. Best protection for those using Apple Watches iPads, Laptops, Notebooks and other Wi-Fi devices. Touching electronic devices without shielding makes your body the receiver of these electrical and EMF radiation waves. Using and EMF bracelet can protect your DNA, Immune System, heart and brainwaves (as seen in EKG and EEG) free from damaging EMF Waves. If you have chronic headaches, irregular heartbeats, sinusitis, you may be absorbing these harmful radiation waves. It has been shown to activate the harmful stuff in the new covid-10 vaccines (parasites, graphene oxide, heavy metals) and make you act as a 5G router! Don't absorb but deflect these harmful frequencies. -19

#EMF #COVID #radiation #emfprotection #5G

Last updated 1 year ago

Conners Clinic - Cancer · @connersclinic
36 followers · 1036 posts · Server brighteon.social

EMFs have become overwhelmingly prevalent in daily life! There is no true escape from them!

Electromagnetic Frequencies, or , surround us in modern day & have a huge effect on our health. Taking necessary steps to avoid or limit EMFs can drastically help the healing process.

Take time away from your devices, limit Bluetooth as much as possible, turn WiFi off at night, & practice grounding to limit EMF exposure.

๐Ÿ›’ Want to check out EMF protection products? Go to Shop.ConnersClinic.com & search โ€œEMFโ€

Learn more about the dangers of EMFs & how to avoid them by watching Episode 23 of with Lloyd Burrell located in the IGTV section of our profile OR click the link in our bio for more!

#EMFs #ConnersClinicLive #ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #emfprotection #functionalnutritionist #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments

Last updated 1 year ago

Conners Clinic - Cancer · @connersclinic
36 followers · 1035 posts · Server brighteon.social

โ€œThere are certain people that are much more negatively affected by EMFs than others.

Those with sensitivities to EMFs typically have defects on a certain family of genes.

A big part of EMF sensitivity has to do with if you have inflammation in the brain and any Microglial damage.โ€
โ€” Dr. Kevin Conners

Stick around our account for another post on how you can avoid EMFs in your daily life! โšก๏ธ

Check out Episode 23 of with Lloyd Burrell at connersclinic.com/23

#ConnersClinicLive #ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist #EMFs #emfprotection

Last updated 1 year ago

emfprotection.one/how-to-prote Use 5G protection or your body and brain will be the 5G receiver! 5G is harmful to human, animal and even plant life. It works with the newer vaccines like the covid-19 coronaviruses (flu viruses) as they wipe out your immunity to them and activate them (allow them to wake up and take over) in your body! With a healthy immune system they can't do a thing, but 5G weakens it so they can wreak havoc against your immune system. Learn how to protect yourself, your family and your home from hazardous 5G radiation waves that are showing up all over the world now, even right next to schools, homes and where you work.

#5G #EMF #WiFi #emfprotection #vaccines

Last updated 1 year ago

emfprotection.one/how-to-prote Use 5G protection or your body and brain will be the 5G receiver! 5G is harmful to human, animal and even plant life. It works with the newer vaccines like the covid-19 coronaviruses (flu viruses) as they wipe out your immunity to them and activate them (allow them to wake up and take over) in your body! With a healthy immune system they can't do a thing, but 5G weakens it so they can wreak havoc against your immune system. Learn how to protect yourself, your family and your home from hazardous 5G radiation waves that are showing up all over the world now, even right next to schools, homes and where you work.

#vaccines #emfprotection #WiFi #EMF #5G

Last updated 2 years ago

I've rescheduled my House Healing courses; Understanding Geopathic Stress will now be on 10-11 June, Dealing with Psycho-Spiritual issues will now be 16-17 September. Existing bookings will be transferred. Details: westerngeomancy.org/product/ee

#emfprotection #househealing #geomancy #dowsing

Last updated 2 years ago

emfprotection.one/how-to-prote Use 5G protection or your body and brain will be the 5G receiver! 5G is harmful to human, animal and even plant life. It works with the newer vaccines like the covid-19 coronaviruses (flu viruses) as they wipe out your immunity to them and activate them (allow them to wake up and take over) in your body! With a healthy immune system they can't do a thing, but 5G weakens it so they can wreak havoc against your immune system. Learn how to protect yourself, your family and your home from hazardous 5G radiation waves that are showing up all over the world now, even right next to schools, homes and where you work.

#vaccines #emfprotection #WiFi #EMF #5G

Last updated 2 years ago

โ€œYou should be able to know when your supplements are poor quality. If you are consuming terrible supplements, you can actually do more damage than good.

There are many nutraceuticals on the market that โ€˜green-washโ€™ their products by saying they are โ€˜all natural.โ€™ In reality, many of these products contain synthetic forms of vitamins & minerals, no whole foods & no nutritional value whatsoever. These companies do NOT care about your health & wellbeing.โ€

โ€” Dr. Kevin Conners

We say it very often, but it must be stressed that not all supplements are created equal! Itโ€™s important to always know what is in your products before you consume them. Dirty supplements can cause more damage than the thing it markets to solve.

Check out our products by going to Shop.ConnersClinic.com

#emfprotection #alternativecancercoaching #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

EMF Harmony Bracelet

EMFs have been shown to be a threat to our health by disrupting hormones, causing brain cell damage, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, & more. Our bodies are not accustomed to being exposed to this kind of radiation.

EMFs surround us daily. Itโ€™s extremely hard to avoid all kinds of electromagnetic radiation, especially due to 3G, 4G, & 5G waves.

Unlike some other EMF products, this bracelet does not block EMFs, but rather acts as a blocker & protects you throughout the day by neutralizing the EMF radiation you are exposed to.

Learn more about EMFs & the harm they cause by going to ConnersClinic.com/Blog

Check out this amazing product at Shop.ConnersClinic.com

#emfprotection #alternativecancercoaching #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

EMFs have become overwhelmingly prevalent in daily life! There is no true escape from them!

Electromagnetic Frequencies, or , surround us in modern day & have a huge effect on our health. Taking necessary steps to avoid or limit EMFs can drastically help the healing process.

Take time away from your devices, limit Bluetooth as much as possible, turn WiFi off at night, & practice grounding to limit EMF exposure.

๐Ÿ›’ Want to check out EMF protection products? Go to Shop.ConnersClinic.com & search โ€œEMFโ€

Learn more about the dangers of EMFs & how to avoid them by watching Episode 23 of with Lloyd Burrell located in the IGTV section of our profile OR click the link in our bio for more!

#alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #functionalnutritionist #emfprotection #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic #ConnersClinicLive #EMFs

Last updated 2 years ago

EMFs have become overwhelmingly prevalent in daily life! There is no true escape from them!

Electromagnetic Frequencies, or , surround us in modern day & have a huge effect on our health. Taking necessary steps to avoid or limit EMFs can drastically help the healing process.

Take time away from your devices, limit Bluetooth as much as possible, turn WiFi off at night, & practice grounding to limit EMF exposure.

๐Ÿ›’ Want to check out EMF protection products? Go to Shop.ConnersClinic.com & search โ€œEMFโ€

Learn more about the dangers of EMFs & how to avoid them by watching Episode 23 of with Lloyd Burrell located in the IGTV section of our profile OR click the link in our bio for more!

#alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #functionalnutritionist #emfprotection #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic #ConnersClinicLive #EMFs

Last updated 2 years ago

emfprotection.one/how-to-prote Use 5G protection or your body and brain will be the 5G receiver! 5G is harmful to human, animal and even plant life. It works with the newer vaccines like the covid-19 coronaviruses (flu viruses) as they wipe out your immunity to them and activate them (allow them to wake up and take over) in your body! With a healthy immune system they can't do a thing, but 5G weakens it so they can wreak havoc against your immune system. Learn how to protect yourself, your family and your home from hazardous 5G radiation waves that are showing up all over the world now, even right next to schools, homes and where you work.

#vaccines #emfprotection #WiFi #EMF #5G

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm pleased to announce that I'm now an affiliate agent for EMF Protection Clothing UK, who are by no means the cheapest, but do supply what I believe to be the best EMF protection materials on the market. I'll be adding more stuff soon, but for now you can have a look at a selection via my website shop:

#wi #5g #ehs #emfprotection

Last updated 2 years ago

There is ultimately no real escape from EMFs, as they surround us on a daily basis. However, taking the proper steps to decrease exposure to EMFs is wise.

Bottom line is, the more you can do as a human being to protect yourself from EMFs, the wiser it is going to be.
โ€”Dr. Kevin Conners

With 5G, we know there are effects on fertility, cancer risks, & there are many different lines of evidence that confirm it.
โ€” Nick Pineault (@nickpineault )

Watch our latest episode, where Dr. Conners chats with Nick Pineault (@nickpineault )about the dangers of EMFs by going to ConnersClinic.com/29 OR check out the IGTV section of our profile!

#emfprotection #EMFs #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic #ConnersClinicLive

Last updated 2 years ago

EMFs have become overwhelmingly prevalent in daily life! There is no true escape from them!

Electromagnetic Frequencies, or , surround us in modern day & have a huge effect on our health. Taking necessary steps to avoid or limit EMFs can drastically help the healing process.

Take time away from your devices, limit Bluetooth as much as possible, turn WiFi off at night, & practice grounding to limit EMF exposure.

๐Ÿ›’ Want to check out EMF protection products? Go to Shop.ConnersClinic.com & search โ€œEMFโ€

Learn more about the dangers of EMFs & how to avoid them by watching Episode 23 of with Lloyd Burrell located in the IGTV section of our profile OR click the link in our bio for more!

#alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #functionalnutritionist #emfprotection #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic #ConnersClinicLive #EMFs

Last updated 2 years ago

โ€œThere are certain people that are much more negatively affected by EMFs than others.

Those with sensitivities to EMFs typically have defects on a certain family of genes.

A big part of EMF sensitivity has to do with if you have inflammation in the brain and any Microglial damage.โ€
โ€” Dr. Kevin Conners

Stick around our account for another post on how you can avoid EMFs in your daily life! โšก๏ธ

Check out Episode 23 of with Lloyd Burrell at connersclinic.com/23

#emfprotection #EMFs #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic #ConnersClinicLive

Last updated 2 years ago

"You want to talk about cancer? Well, thatโ€™s where the research is very strong, linking cell phones to cancer, brain cancer, brain tumors, ipsilateral tumors, tumors on the same side of the head as [where you hold] your cell phone. How curious is that?

So how can you do that when youโ€™re using it? Well, either you put it on speakerphone. Thatโ€™s not always possible, I know. Or you use whatโ€™s called an ear tube headset.

Listen to the full interview in Episode #23 of Conners Clinic Live at ConnersClinic.com/23




#health #healer #functionalnutritionist #EasternMedicine #chemo #CancerTruth #CancerResearch #cancer #emfprotection #alternativemedicine #alternativecancertherapies #EMF #truth #naturalmedicine #functionalmedicine #thetruthaboutcancer #ttac #Essentialoils #foodismedicine #naturalhealth #holisticnutrition #holistichealing #holistic #holisticliving #HolisticHealth

Last updated 2 years ago

emfprotection.one/how-to-prote Use 5G protection or your body and brain will be the 5G receiver! 5G is harmful to human, animal and even plant life. It works with the newer vaccines like the covid-19 coronaviruses (flu viruses) as they wipe out your immunity to them and activate them (allow them to wake up and take over) in your body! With a healthy immune system they can't do a thing, but 5G weakens it so they can wreak havoc against your immune system. Learn how to protect yourself, your family and your home from hazardous 5G radiation waves that are showing up all over the world now, even right next to schools, homes and where you work.

#vaccines #emfprotection #WiFi #EMF #5G

Last updated 2 years ago