1 HE: Still the Stone and Bone Age
The Human Era began about 12000 years ago.
1 HE is also a rough approximation of the start of the current geologic epoch, the #Holocene Epoch, and approximates when the first settlements and #agriculture arose as the last ice age ended. The world-wide population of humans was approximately 5 million.
#Holocene #agriculture #calendarreform #emiliani #humaneracalendar #HumanEra
@bbak I looked closer into 3 of the #Emiliani books I have here. and ordered 7 more And I watched a video on YouTube, too. Now I must correct my previous judgment a little.
1) I think Emiliani cannot fathom "Overcoming the system". He loves #Kaizen, for example (sadly does not see the difference to #SixSigma). He cannot wrap his head around anything truly transformational.
2) He is a firm believer in a bunch of conspiracy theories, which start with "They" and "People just...".
Escherichia Coli in mare: divieto di balneazione in 28 lidi emiliani #escherichia #coli #mare #divieto #balneazione #lidi #emiliani #28luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmFub3ByZXNzLml0L2FydGljb2xvL2VsZXZhdGEtY29uY2VudHJhemlvbmUtYmF0dGVyaWNhLWluLW1hcmUtZGl2aWV0by1kaS1iYWxuZWF6aW9uZS1pbi0yOC1saWRpLWVtaWxpYW5pLzM3OTU5OC8=
#28luglio #emiliani #lidi #balneazione #divieto #mare #coli #escherichia