1 of 42/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4674: Emily Kohrs — Fulton County Special Grand Jury Foreperson Investigating Donald Trump's Interference in Georgia's 2020 Presidential Election. #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #EmilyKohrs #EmotionalIntelligence https://youtu.be/vJ0b9WxIfkk
#emotionalintelligence #emilykohrs #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage
What an absolute fruitcake lmao! Do they seriously think that this woman will be able to indict Trump for her doing these types of interviews? What an absolute shit show! 🤣
#emilykohrs #trump #clownworld #tumpprobe #whatweretheythinking
#emilykohrs #trump #clownworld #tumpprobe #whatweretheythinking
Former President #DonaldTrump watching #EmilyKohrs the elected #Georgia
Grand Jury foreperson making the media rounds about the former President’s
election case. To determine if Trump and his allies broke laws trying to overturn
the Georgia presidential #Election2020…
Best Regards,
Richard, richardsbooksofpoliticalcartoons.com
#election2020 #georgia #emilykohrs #donaldtrump
Has “fan girl” gone away or at least shut the fuck up yet???? She has gotten WAY MORE than the allotted 15 seconds of “fame”!!! #fangirl #emilykohrs
@mmochroi I thought the portrayal of #emilykohrs was a little cruel. I don’t think she has a motive. Clearly her stint as foreperson on this grand jury was the greatest moment of her life.
“My coolest moment was shaking Rudy Giuliani‘s hand. that was really cool for me... an honor to meet the guy.”
~ Emily Kohrs,
Georgia grand jury foreperson
She might as well have been singing:
🎼 I feel giddy!
Oh, so giddy!
I met Rudy,
that boot-licking lackey
for Trump,
And I pity
any girl who hasn’t met
the chump!”🎵
My apologies to Sondheim and Bernstein.
#EmilyKohrs #GeorgiaGrandJury #RudyGiuliani #DonaldTrump #ElectionFraud #IFeelPretty #WestSideStory
#WestSideStory #ifeelpretty #electionfraud #DonaldTrump #rudygiuliani #georgiagrandjury #emilykohrs
McCarthy is using the House majority to facilitate a propaganda attack in support of the Jan. 6 insurrection.
#News #CapitolRiot #TuckerCarlson #KevinMcCarthy #briansicknick #MarjorieTaylorGreene #DonaldTrump #emilykohrs #JackSmith #GEORGIA #ivankatrump #JaredKushner #mikepence
#News #CapitolRiot #tuckercarlson #kevinmccarthy #briansicknick #marjorietaylorgreene #DonaldTrump #emilykohrs #jacksmith #georgia #ivankatrump #jaredkushner #mikepence
Trump Grand Juror Emily Kohr’s Weird, Risky Media Tour
https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/02/trump-grand-juror-emily-kohrs-weird-risky-media-tour.html #nymag #intelligencer #emilykohrs
#emilykohrs #intelligencer #nymag
@DemocracyMattersALot - I fear dumbass may hurt the case against Trump. #EmilyKohrs really needs to go sit down and STFU.
#EmilyKohrs - what does it say that Emily Kohrs did not vote in 2016, 2020? Isn’t there a negative bias in that we have to dumb down the jury pool to that extent.. someone entirely oblique to current events— previously disinterested; she’s the decider. That’s not good
Bruh! #EmilyKohrs needs to go sit her goofy self down and STFU. Watch Trump get off somehow due to her attention seeking antics.
I'm no expert, but shouldn't a grand jury foresperson maybe not speak out about potential indictments that could have huge implications?
What Would You Do Wednesday: “That’s an Interesting Phone Call”
Yes, it's been a long time since we featured one of these discussions. But, this topic motivated me because I find it quite interesting and feel somewhat conflicted about it. One one hand, I admire the young lady, who didn't vote in 2
#Debate #debate #EmilyKohrs #Featured #GAGrandJury #interviews #WhatwouldyoudoWednesday?
#debate #emilykohrs #Featured #gagrandjury #interviews #whatwouldyoudowednesday
As supporters of @Popehat, we are taking the unprecedented step of banning #emilykohrs from ever applying to or becoming a member of @Women4Popehat. We are a group of serious women—Not attention seeking weirdos.
As supporters of @Popehat, we are taking the unprecedented step of banning #emilykohrs from every applying to or becoming a member of @Women4Popehat. We are a group of serious women—Not attention seeking weirdos.
📣 The twice-impeached, retired guy told followers on his app today: "[#FanniWills is a] "Racist in Reverse D.A."
#GrandJury foreperson #EmilyKohrs said the group made about a dozen recommendations for indictments, and "The big name that everyone keeps asking me about – I don’t think you will be shocked."
Kohrs told @nbcnews: “Personally, I hope to see [Willis] take almost any kind of decisive action, to actually do something. There are too many times in recent history that seem to me like someone has gotten called out for something that people had a problem with, and nothing ever happens.”
#fanniwills #grandjury #emilykohrs #FuckTrump
Listen, if I was in #GrandJury foreperson #EmilyKohrs’ position, I’d be fucking giddy as shit, too.
#EmilyKohrs is blowing everyone’s minds. It is so delicious somehow to see this lovely cat-who-ate-the-canary speak out!
Is it normal for a grand jury forewoman or man to be speaking out in advance of indictments?
It seems odd. #EmilyKohrs #GrandJury #FaniWillis
#emilykohrs #grandjury #FaniWillis