@jeffjarvis @emilymbender @ct_bergstrom
Thanks brilliant article. Really great explanation of why we shouldn't expect anything but weird from it.
"The only knowledge it has is knowledge of distribution of linguistic form." (Computationally expensive autocorr-wrong).
#emilymbender #thailibraryexperiment #ai
You Are Not a Parrot And a #chatbot is not a #human. A #Computationallinguist named #EmilyMBender is very worried what will happen when we forget this.#ChatGPT is nothing like human https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/ai-artificial-intelligence-chatbots-emily-m-bender.html?ref=ideasurplusdisorder.com #linguist #data #NaturaLanguage #EnglishLanguage #octopus #linguistics #algorithms #MachineLearning
#chatbot #human #computationallinguist #emilymbender #chatgpt #linguist #data #naturalanguage #englishlanguage #octopus #linguistics #algorithms #machinelearning
A profile of #EmilyMBender mentions attempts to equate RichGuy machines with humans. It reminded me of #Chomsky in #ProfitsOverPeople:
> There are no rights of property, only.. rights of persons with property.. I have a right to my car, but my car has no rights. The right.. differs from others in that one person’s possession of property deprives another of that right if I own my car, you do not; but in a just and free society, my freedom of speech would not limit yours.
#emilymbender #profitsoverpeople #chomsky
> We can’t live in a world with what he calls “counterfeit people.”.. Artificial people will always have less at stake than real ones, and that makes them amoral actors, he added. “Not for metaphysical reasons but for simple, physical reasons: They are sort of immortal.”
.. We need strict liability for the technology’s creators,
In the profile of #EmilyMBender, #DanielDennet makes me think of #TheCorporation, #LegalPersons and then Lewis Mumford's #MegaMachine
#megamachine #legalpersons #thecorporation #danieldennet #emilymbender
> We’ve learned to make “machines that can mindlessly generate text,” Bender.. “But we haven’t learned how to stop imagining the mind behind it.”.. #JosephWeizenbaum, who created #ELIZA, the first #chatbot, in 1966, spent most of the rest of his life regretting it.. he wrote ten years later in Computer Power and Human Reason.. that.. The toys are fun, enchanting, and addicting, and that, he believed even 47 years ago, will be our ruin:
#EmilyMBender #EmilyBender
#emilybender #emilymbender #chatbot #eliza #josephweizenbaum
> [Emily Bender] She also started publicly challenging the term artificial intelligence, a sure way, as a middle-aged woman in a male field, to get yourself branded as a scold. The idea of intelligence has a white-supremacist history. And besides, “intelligent” according to what definition? The three-stratum definition? #HowardGardner’s theory of multiple intelligences? The Stanford-Binet #IntelligenceScale?
#EmilyMBender on on #Fascist #AI as #WhiteSupremacist #Salami
#salami #whitesupremacist #ai #fascist #emilymbender #intelligencescale #howardgardner
'Bender remains particularly fond of an alternative name for AI proposed by a former member of the Italian Parliament: “Systematic Approaches to Learning Algorithms and Machine Inferences.” Then people would be out here asking, “Is this SALAMI intelligent? Can this SALAMI write a novel? Does this SALAMI deserve human rights?”'
#EmilyMBender #ComputationalLinguistics #ChatGPT #LargeLanguageModels #Octopuses #StochasticParrots #Bullshit
#bullshit #stochasticparrots #octopuses #largelanguagemodels #chatgpt #computationallinguistics #emilymbender