Rebuilding my old Anne of Green Gables collection again, one set at a time. Purchased this set from one of my suking Facebook booksellers. Now on the lookout for the 5 other books in the series.
(also for the Emily of New Moon trilogy, uncomfortably *creepy* as that entire series made me feel when I was a kid 😅)
#AnneOfGreenGables #EmilyOfNewMoon #LMMontgomery #CanadianLit #ChildhoodLibrary #TheDunyaReads
#anneofgreengables #emilyofnewmoon #lmmontgomery #canadianlit #childhoodlibrary #thedunyareads
I have a question about #LMMontgomery that I'm hoping someone on #bookstodon might have some insight about! We know that Cavendish was the inspiration for Avonlea; do we know where was the inspiration for Blair Water, in the #EmilyofNewMoon books?
#emilyofnewmoon #bookstodon #lmmontgomery
#7books (fiction) from my #Childhood #Library that I re-read over and over:
#SomedayAngeline, by #LouisSachar; #Outside, by #AndréNorton; #AParcelOfPatterns, #JillPatonWalsh; #ATravellerInTime, #AlisonUttley; #MurderOnTheCanadian, #EricWilson; #Eloise, #KayThompson; #EmilyOfNewMoon, #LucyMaudMontgomery.
What are yours?
#7books #childhood #library #somedayangeline #louissachar #outside #andrenorton #aparcelofpatterns #jillpatonwalsh #atravellerintime #alisonuttley #murderonthecanadian #ericwilson #eloise #kaythompson #emilyofnewmoon #lucymaudmontgomery
You know #LMM 's book #EmilyOfNewMoon? Where Emily's writing mentor takes her to task for using too many exclamation marks?
Every. Single. Time. I send out a newsletter, I feel him looking over my shoulder and judging me. I'm sorry!!! It's just hard to make text not sound judgy in an email without exclamation points! 😭