#EmilysList I'm very glad to see our #vpotus being high-profile loud for reproductive health rights of Americans, and on gun reform‼️
Is Chris Murphy of Connecticut our only brave hero in the Senate for reducing gun violence⁉️
@drrjv #Sinema swindled #EmilysList and AZ state Dem Party and my family too. 🤬
Great to be at @EMILYsListAus@twitter.com National Oration with @LindaBurneyMP@twitter.com #auspol #emilyslist
Aa an extweeter I’ve been in a watch mode. I’ve decided now that I’ve found several of my fav peeps such as @vanbadham @godpod @firstdogonthemoon I’m staying here. Later, I hope the app will allow me to update my profile. #unionproud #emilyslist #leftist #WomenSupportWomen #equality
#unionproud #emilyslist #leftist #WomenSupportWomen #equality