A MOTHER KNOWS: Saela Davis & Anna Rose Holder's intense Irish fishing village drama #GodsCreatures is like a watery version of #TheField fused with #HighNoon. But are the strength of #EmilyWatson, #PaulMescal & #AislingFranciosi's performances enough to help the film match those movies' potency?.. https://loveitinpomona.blogspot.com/2023/04/a-mother-knows-gods-creatures.html #ireland #cinema #sexualassault #motherhood #film #village #fishermen #movies #drama #rape #sons #entertainment
#godscreatures #theField #highnoon #emilywatson #paulmescal #aislingfranciosi #ireland #cinema #Sexualassault #motherhood #film #village #fishermen #movies #drama #rape #sons #entertainment
The Dublin International Film Festival kicked off at the Light House cinema last night with the Irish premiere of God's Creatures, starring Emily Watson and local hero Paul Mescal. #LightHouseD7 #EmilyWatson #PaulMescal #DublinFilmFest
#lighthoused7 #emilywatson #paulmescal #dublinfilmfest