#AmericanPsycho #PatrickBateman (as #EminenceInShadow #Shadow) #AIGenerated #meme
Смотрите "The Eminence in Psycho (AI Voice)" на YouTube
#americanpsycho #patrickbateman #eminenceinshadow #shadow #AIGenerated #meme
#AmericanPsycho #PatrickBateman (as #EminenceInShadow #Shadow) #meme
Смотрите "The Eminence in Psycho (AI Voice)" на YouTube
#americanpsycho #patrickbateman #eminenceinshadow #shadow #meme
Das Unfassbare ist geschehen: Nach 24 Wochen ist „The Eminence in Shadow“ nun von Platz 1 der Trends verdrängt worden – und das von einem Farming-Isekai! Ob Cid und Co. nächste Woche ihren Platz zurückholen? Was denkt ihr?
#anisearchtrending #anime #trends #eminenceinshadow
Finished watching #EminenceInShadow today. The finale was the same excellent brand of ridiculousness that permeated the rest of the season.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it's hard to recommend because of it. It's the kind of show that if you don't fully connect with it, it will just feel dumb.
But I'm hoping they confirm a season 2!
I am....atomic.
Clouds and 1 frame before a lightning strike to make Cid even cooler. Episode 19 Spoilers(?)
#AnimangaFoundIt #AnimangaPictureChallenge #Anime #EminenceInShadow
#animangafoundit #animangapicturechallenge #anime #eminenceinshadow
I've just watched episode S01 | E14 of The Eminence in Shadow! #eminenceinshadow https://tvtime.com/r/2FChp #tvtime
I've just watched episode S01 | E13 of The Eminence in Shadow! #eminenceinshadow https://tvtime.com/r/2FC5N #tvtime
I've just watched episode S01 | E12 of The Eminence in Shadow! #eminenceinshadow https://tvtime.com/r/2FBQW #tvtime
I've just watched episode S01 | E11 of The Eminence in Shadow! #eminenceinshadow https://tvtime.com/r/2FB6O #tvtime
I've just watched episode S01 | E10 of The Eminence in Shadow! #eminenceinshadow https://tvtime.com/r/2FB0R #tvtime
I've just watched episode S01 | E09 of The Eminence in Shadow! #eminenceinshadow https://tvtime.com/r/2FARN #tvtime
I've just watched episode S01 | E08 of The Eminence in Shadow! #eminenceinshadow https://tvtime.com/r/2FAM8 #tvtime
I've just watched episode S01 | E07 of The Eminence in Shadow! #eminenceinshadow https://tvtime.com/r/2FAGz #tvtime
I've just watched episode S01 | E06 of The Eminence in Shadow! #eminenceinshadow https://tvtime.com/r/2FABy #tvtime
I've just watched episode S01 | E05 of The Eminence in Shadow! #eminenceinshadow https://tvtime.com/r/2FxLK #tvtime
I've just watched episode S01 | E04 of The Eminence in Shadow! #eminenceinshadow https://tvtime.com/r/2FxBb #tvtime
I've just watched episode S01 | E02 of The Eminence in Shadow! #eminenceinshadow https://tvtime.com/r/2Fx0t #tvtime
I've just watched episode S01 | E01 of The Eminence in Shadow! #eminenceinshadow https://tvtime.com/r/2FwSQ #tvtime
Latest Eminence in Shadow ep was pretty hot XD I like Delta, such a dumbass but knows to obey Alpha-sama haha. That part with Epsilon was amusing too, and I always like Beta and Alexia taking potshots at each other lol
#anime #EminenceInShadow #isekai
#Anime #eminenceinshadow #isekai
Read all 4 vol of #EminenceInShadow in a row and it's amazing 😂 they actually pulled off the galaxy-brain MC and other characters completely misunderstanding each other very well and it's hilarious. Things keep getting ridiculous and I love it.
I love a bunch of the other characters too with how twisted/smart-dumb they get, or just being plain assholes. Their convoluted involvement with Shadow is so absurd that it's great. Also elves in skintight black bodysuits are HOT #LightNovels #anime
#eminenceinshadow #lightnovels #Anime