Pre-pandemic but still true: #AB617 was designed to address the disproportionate #PollutionBurden and #RegulatoryFailure in #disadvantaged communities by provisions of #AB32 and the #CleanAirAct. It was a response to frustrations with the #ClimatePolicy framework that permitted #EmissionGrowth outside white and wealthy communities. AB617 companion legislation should be emulated elsewhere.
#ab617 #pollutionburden #regulatoryfailure #disadvantaged #ab32 #cleanairact #climatepolicy #emissiongrowth
Making #disaster though #kleptocratic sleigh of hand: More fire, flood, drought, heat waves, food loss, and spices extinction continue… because we accommodate #PetroOligarchs and #EmissionGrowth using fossil fuels 80 times worse than CO2! To replace by #fossilfuels. And growing as fast as renewables!
#disaster #kleptocratic #petrooligarchs #emissiongrowth #fossilfuels