#EuropeanUnion 🇪🇺 reaches a major deal for carbon market. #PollutersPay, phase out free allowances to industries and creates an #EmissionsTradingSystem with a carbon price around 100 euros per tonne‼️
#goodnewsfornature #EuropeanUnion #polluterspay #emissionstradingsystem #winwinfornature
Carbon Market Watch: "The long process that was meant to transform the EU’s Emissions Trading System into an effective tool for climate action has culminated in a final deal that will not reduce Europe’s industrial carbon footprint rapidly enough to tackle the climate crisis. The reformed EU ETS lavishes freebies on polluting industries and leaves households and taxpayers with the bill." https://carbonmarketwatch.org/2022/12/18/final-deal-on-eu-carbon-market-ets-gives-heavy-industry-a-free-pass-at-the-expense-of-households-and-taxpayers/ #EU #CarbonFootprint #EmissionsTradingSystem #ClimateCrisis #CBAM #decarbonisation
#EU #CarbonFootprint #emissionstradingsystem #ClimateCrisis #cbam #decarbonisation