Delighted to see this fantastic paper online at ASQ!
Congrats to Laura Dupin (former #emlyon PhD student, now at #UvA) and Filippo Wezel. Both are @storm members, and we couldn’t be prouder 😀
Artisanal or Just Half-Baked: Competing Collective Identities and Location Choice Among French Bakeries
Retoot depuis #birdsite
"J'ai signé une convention 🖊️ avec @IsabelleHuault, DG de l'#EMLYON pour le Master Science in Cybersecurity &efense Management.
➡️ Stages pour les étudiants en gendarmerie
➡️ Mieux anticiper ensemble les besoins des entreprises en #cybersecurite et #defense
#birdsite #emlyon #cybersecurite #defense #creogn #eogn
16th annual Chamonix PhD & Post-Doc Workshop in Management, 19-21 March
#emlyon #organization #strategy #entrepreneurship #FrenchAlps
Deadline to apply: 22 Jan.
Details at:
#emlyon #organization #strategy #entrepreneurship #frenchalps