Autschi... Das klingt jetzt eher nicht so gut. Wenn der nicht spurt und #Emmanuel sein #Uran nicht zum Vorzugspreis bekommt, könnte die #dgse zu tun bekommen
via @derStandard
Libé titre "cheh"
Finale de la Coupe de France : la justice annule lâarrĂȘtĂ© interdisant le rassemblement de la CGT devant le Stade de France â LibĂ©ration
#reforme-des-retraites #emmanuel-macron #cgt #intersyndicale #SAF #LDH
#reforme #emmanuel #cgt #intersyndicale #saf #ldh
Coupe de France : France TĂ©lĂ©visions a-t-il prĂ©vu de couper les huĂ©es et sifflets envers Macron samedi soir ? â LibĂ©ration
#emmanuel-macron #Intervilles #Casseroles #Casserolades #100jours #RĂ©formeDesRetraitesâš #100JoursDeZbeulâš #FoutonsLeZbeul âš#IntervillesMacron
#emmanuel #intervilles #casseroles #casserolades #100jours #reformedesretraites #100joursdezbeul #foutonslezbeul #intervillesmacron
DIRECT. Réforme des retraites : Emmanuel Macron a promulgué la loi durant la nuit #Réforme des retraites #Emmanuel Macron #Politique @OuestFrance VoilĂ vite fait, mal fait ! đĄ
La Macronie et la tentation de lâextrĂȘme banalisation
#Emmanuel Macron #LREM #Marine Le Pen #Rassemblement national #France insoumise
En diabolisant systématiquement les gauches, Emmanuel Macron, le gouvernement et la majorité présidentielle en viennent à acter la normalisation du Rassemblement national. Un pari dangereux.
#france #rassemblement #marine #lrem #emmanuel
This big cat is rowing down the river in a big regatta this #Caturday
other colors other sports and even other cats!
#BuyIntoArt #Lions #GoLions #Rowing #Crew #CollegeRowing #LMU #LoyolaMarymount #Emmanuel #Bryan #Albright #FreedHardeman #Molloy#EasternNazarene
Loyola Marymount (LMU), Molloy, Emmanuel, Bryan, Eastern Nazarene, Albright, Bryan and Freed-Hardeman
#molloy #freedhardeman #albright #bryan #emmanuel #loyolamarymount #lmu #collegerowing #crew #rowing #golions #lions #buyintoart #caturday
Clément #Viktorovitch : #Emmanuel #Macron, une #légitimité en #question
> Penchons-nous cette semaine sur une question qui est au centre des #dĂ©bats depuis lâutilisation de lâarticle 49-3 pour faire adopter la #rĂ©forme des #retraites ...
#retraites #reforme #debats #question #legitimite #macron #emmanuel #Viktorovitch
Clément #Viktorovitch : #Emmanuel #Macron, une #légitimité en #question
> Penchons-nous cette semaine sur une question qui est au centre des #dĂ©bats depuis lâutilisation de lâarticle 49-3 pour faire adopter la #rĂ©forme des #retraites ...
#retraites #reforme #debats #question #legitimite #macron #emmanuel #Viktorovitch
Not too many more Caturdays left before this big cat graduates!
#BuyIntoArt #SpringIntoArt #Caturday #Lions #GoLions #LoyolaMarymount #LMU #Emmanuel #Molloy #Bryan #FreedHardeman #Albright
other colors and other mascots
Grad season is coming!!
#albright #freedhardeman #bryan #molloy #emmanuel #lmu #loyolamarymount #golions #lions #caturday #springintoart #buyintoart
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofGod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #Messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #PrepareTheWay #masterplan #Jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand #deconstruction #christianity #LionOfJudah #onlyson #Jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofgod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #preparetheway #masterplan #jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #thekingdomofgodisathand #deconstruction #christianity #lionofjudah #onlyson #jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofGod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #Messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #PrepareTheWay #masterplan #Jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand #deconstruction #christianity #LionOfJudah #onlyson #Jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofgod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #preparetheway #masterplan #jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #thekingdomofgodisathand #deconstruction #christianity #lionofjudah #onlyson #jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofGod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #Messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #PrepareTheWay #masterplan #Jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand #deconstruction #christianity #LionOfJudah #onlyson #Jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofgod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #preparetheway #masterplan #jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #thekingdomofgodisathand #deconstruction #christianity #lionofjudah #onlyson #jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofGod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #Messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #PrepareTheWay #masterplan #Jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand #deconstruction #christianity #LionOfJudah #onlyson #Jesus
#promisesofgod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #preparetheway #masterplan #jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #thekingdomofgodisathand #deconstruction #christianity #lionofjudah #onlyson #jesus #shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofGod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #Messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #PrepareTheWay #masterplan #Jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand #deconstruction #christianity #LionOfJudah #onlyson #Jesus
#exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #preparetheway #masterplan #jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #thekingdomofgodisathand #deconstruction #christianity #lionofjudah #onlyson #jesus #shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofgod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #messiah
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofGod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #Messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #PrepareTheWay #masterplan #Jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand #deconstruction #christianity #LionOfJudah #onlyson #Jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofgod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #preparetheway #masterplan #jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #thekingdomofgodisathand #deconstruction #christianity #lionofjudah #onlyson #jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofGod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #Messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #PrepareTheWay #masterplan #Jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand #deconstruction #christianity #LionOfJudah #onlyson #Jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofgod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #preparetheway #masterplan #jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #thekingdomofgodisathand #deconstruction #christianity #lionofjudah #onlyson #jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofGod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #Messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #PrepareTheWay #masterplan #Jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand #deconstruction #christianity #LionOfJudah #onlyson #Jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofgod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #preparetheway #masterplan #jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #thekingdomofgodisathand #deconstruction #christianity #lionofjudah #onlyson #jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofGod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #Messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #PrepareTheWay #masterplan #Jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand #deconstruction #christianity #LionOfJudah #onlyson #Jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofgod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #preparetheway #masterplan #jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #thekingdomofgodisathand #deconstruction #christianity #lionofjudah #onlyson #jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofGod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #Messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #PrepareTheWay #masterplan #Jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand #deconstruction #christianity #LionOfJudah #onlyson #Jesus
#shadowofthecross #inthebeginning #borntodie #babyjesus #promisesofgod #beholdthelamb #signsandwonders #prophecy #messiah #exvangelical #miracles #childlikefaith #ministry #earlydays #lifeofbrian #preparetheway #masterplan #jerusalem #rejoice #emmanuel #thekingdomofgodisathand #deconstruction #christianity #lionofjudah #onlyson #jesus