#Filmfest 932 #Cinema #Film #Movies #MovingPicture #SinnundSinnlichkeit #SenseandSensibility #JaneAusten #EmmaThompson #KateWinslet #AngLee #Top250
Sinn und Sinnlichkeit (Sense and Sensibility, USA / GB 1995) #Filmfest 932 #Top250
#janeausten #emmathompson #katewinslet #anglee #top250 #filmfest #cinema #film #movies #movingpicture #sinnundsinnlichkeit #senseandsensibility
Damn skippy 😂
#BarbieMovie #ShesEverything #HesJustKen #EmmaThompson #KennethBranagh #StolenFromAFriend
#stolenfromafriend #KennethBranagh #emmathompson #hesjustken #sheseverything #barbiemovie
My wife and I agree that it's time for another iteration of Pride and Prejudice by #JaneAusten and #EmmaThompson should direct it. She would play Lady Catherine, Idras Elba could be Darcy, and Dawn French as Mrs. Bennet and Lenny Henry as Mr. Bennet. Thoughts? Does anyone know Emma?
Yep, that Matilda musical is on the blog today.
#blog #blogger #review #MovieReview #RoaldDahlsMatildaTheMusical #matilda #movies #film #cinema #cinemastodon #filmastodon #mastomovies #musical #EmmaThompson #LashanaLynch #AlishaWeir #StephenGraham #AndreaRiseborough #TimMinchin #DennisKelly #MatthewWarchus
#blog #blogger #review #moviereview #roalddahlsmatildathemusical #matilda #movies #film #cinema #cinemastodon #filmastodon #mastomovies #Musical #emmathompson #lashanalynch #alishaweir #stephengraham #andreariseborough #timminchin #denniskelly #matthewwarchus
Un #video #virale di un #contadino che sparge letame ad un #Rave #Party, accolto da ingenti visualizzazioni e click, ritrae in realtà un contadino che cerca, senza successo, di allontanare #EmmaThompson che protesta con #Greenpeace nel 2016
#video #virale #contadino #rave #party #emmathompson #greenpeace
Started watching "Good Luck to You, Leo Grande" with #EmmaThompson on #AmazonPrime and so far it looks really cute.
You might want to check it out. And you as well, @Helene
Film Review: WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT? (2022): Lily James Shines in a Moving, Heartwarming and Earnest Dramedy
#FilmBook #MovieReview #AliceOrr-Ewing #AsimChaudhry #BenAshenden #EmmaThompson #ImanBoujelouah #JeffMirza #JemimaKhan #JoshuaCollins. #LilyJames #MimShaikh #MovieReview #PeterSandys-Clarke #ShabanaAzmi #ShazadLatif #ShekharKapur #Studiocanal #Wh
#filmbook #moviereview #aliceorr #asimchaudhry #benashenden #emmathompson #imanboujelouah #jeffmirza #jemimakhan #joshuacollins #lilyjames #mimshaikh #petersandys #shabanaazmi #shazadlatif #shekharkapur #studiocanal #wh
Pink News: Katy Perry fans are obsessed with singer trying to find seat at King Charles’ coronation https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/05/06/katy-perry-seat-king-charles-coronation-celebs/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #KingCharlesIII #emmathompson #StephenFry #Celebrity #katyperry #Music #News #UK
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #KingCharlesIII #emmathompson #stephenfry #celebrity #KatyPerry #music #news #uk
El próximo día 17 de marzo #Tripictures estrena en cines #YQuéTendráQueVerElAmor, protagonizada por #LilyJames y #EmmaThompson
#tripictures #yquetendraqueverelamor #lilyjames #emmathompson
In der Doku-Serie „How to get rich“ geht’s um die Jagd nach dem schnellen Geld. In der Komödie „Good Luck to You, Leo Grande“ will sich Emma Thompson sexuell ausleben und die Arte-Doku „Kobalt, die dunkle Seite der Energiewende“ zeigt die brutale Realität der Minen im Kongo.
#AyaJaff #DarylMcCormack #EmmaThompson #Energiewende #Kobalt #WasLäuftHeute
#ayajaff #darylmccormack #emmathompson #energiewende #kobalt #waslauftheute
Emma Thompson shines
As her star soars ever high
Glorious and bright
#emmathompson #theindependent #breakingnews #haiku #poetry
Review: What’s Love Got to Do with It? – “As insightful as it is hilarious.” Read it here bit.ly/3INsARK #review by @SunnyRamgolam
#WhatsLoveGotToDoWithIt #LilyJames #ShazadLatif #ShabanaAzmi #EmmaThompson @Jemima_Khan
#review #whatslovegottodowithit #lilyjames #shazadlatif #shabanaazmi #emmathompson
Pink News: Emma Thompson is convinced Matilda’s lesbian icon Miss Trunchbull would be on Grindr https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/02/23/emma-thompson-matilda-miss-trunchbull-lesbian-grindr/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #emmathompson #Celebrity #celebrity #Culture #matilda #News #Film
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #emmathompson #celebrity #Culture #matilda #news #Film
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: BAFTAs Red Carpet 2023: Prince William and Kate Middleton Mingle With Hollywood Royalty https://jezebel.com/baftas-red-carpet-outfits-2023-1850134801 #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #artsintheunitedstates #cateblanchettcate #florencepughpugh #jodieturnersmith #oliviacookecooke #rosiehuntington #andreeacristea #nicolacoughlan #paulmescalpaul #katemiddleton #angelabassett #humaninterest #anyataylorjoy #emmathompson #austinbutler #luxurybrands #baftas
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #artsintheunitedstates #cateblanchettcate #florencepughpugh #jodieturnersmith #oliviacookecooke #rosiehuntington #andreeacristea #nicolacoughlan #paulmescalpaul #katemiddleton #angelabassett #humaninterest #anyataylorjoy #emmathompson #austinbutler #luxurybrands #baftas
Con un toque masculino en la alfombra de los #bafta2023 #yonomeaburromoda
#SandyPowell (Bafta honorífico)
#bafta2023 #yonomeaburromoda #michelleyeoh #emmathompson #sandypowell
I reviewed Good Luck to You, Leo Grande, a fairly conventional film that makes an unconventional case for revolutionary pleasures.
#leogrande #SexWork #EmmaThompson
#emmathompson #sexwork #leogrande
Good Luck to you, Leo Grande
#FilmMastodon #CineMastodon #movies #EmmaThompson
#nowwatching #FilmMastodon #cinemastodon #movies #emmathompson
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: We Talked to Intimacy Coordinators About Penn Badgley’s Viral Anti-Sex Scene Comments https://jezebel.com/we-talked-to-intimacy-coordinators-about-penn-badgley-s-1850119433 #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #intimaterelationships #intimacycoordinator #intimacydirectors #jessicasteinrock #jennadewantatum #humansexuality #sexualconsent #westsidestory #phoebedynevor #humanbehavior #channingtatum #jameelajamil #rachelzegler #emmathompson #pennbadgley
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #intimaterelationships #intimacycoordinator #intimacydirectors #jessicasteinrock #jennadewantatum #humansexuality #sexualconsent #westsidestory #phoebedynevor #humanbehavior #channingtatum #jameelajamil #rachelzegler #emmathompson #pennbadgley
Pink News: Emma Thompson hits back at Ian McKellen amid row over intimacy coordinators https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/02/11/emma-thompson-hits-back-at-ian-mckellen-amid-row-over-intimacy-coordinators/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #emmathompson #ianmckellen #Celebrity #News #UK
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #emmathompson #ianmckellen #celebrity #news #uk
#EmmaThompson’s perspective on our bodies:
“Whilst I’ve never really accepted my own body as anything to write home about, and I’ve always thought it was not much, not really attractive, nonetheless, I have lived in it and experienced pleasure in it.
I think the more we can accept our bodies - and not love them, you don’t have to #love them - but you do have to #accept them in order to experience anything inside them.”
#bodyacceptance #peoplemagazine #accept #love #emmathompson