Just saw a Tik Tok clip from Emmett Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas that reminded me how I always liked The Riverbottom Nightmare Band the best even though they were the “Villains.” They rocked. #Muppets #JimHensen #EmmettOtter #RiverbottomNightmareBand
#muppets #jimhensen #emmettotter #riverbottomnightmareband
Now spinning... #EmmettOtter #PaulWilliams #Christmas #VinylRecords
#vinylrecords #christmas #PaulWilliams #emmettotter
Got a new projector for #Christmas and I’m testing it out the best way I know how. #EmmettOtter
Sadly, it doesn't exist. My wife thinks I should write it.
I say it basically writes itself. I mean, really: "We don't brush our teeth / 'Cause our toothache can help us stay mean." Clear compensation, and canon needs a dentist. He takes his share of the prize money and finds a private dentist far away so his real crush Wendell Porcupine (Those lips! Those spines!) doesn't see him looking weak. Wholesome Hermey opens him up, sees deep inside, and helps him in more ways than one.