Got all excited to see a #Mastodon link on the bio page for one of my favorite #YouTubers, only to find out she hasn't posted here since last November... back when most of us left Twitter (the first time)😢
#mastodon #youtubers #emmymade
#food #taste #cooking #cookingvideo #breakfast #sandwich #breakfastsandwich #egg #eggs #eggsandwich
Watch "Homemade Egg Drop - Perfect Eggs & The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich" on YouTube
#emmymade #food #taste #cooking #cookingvideo #breakfast #sandwich #breakfastsandwich #egg #eggs #eggsandwich
A new entry in a long running series in which @emmymade tastes different (culinarily classified) fruits from around the world. 🌍🌎🌏🍍🍓🍊🥭🍇
Watch "The Smelly Cucumber - Cassabanana | Fruity Fruits" on YouTube
#food #taste #fruit #fruits #emmymade
#artsandcrafts #meditative
Watch "I Made A Shiny Ball Out Of Aluminum FOIL" on YouTube
#emmymade #artsandcrafts #meditative