Of the 3 papers I co-reviewed for #emnlp2023 , 2 used chatgpt for generation or evaluation.
Does anyone see a problem with littering our research with proprietary, black-box baselines?
#emnlp2023 #nlproc #nlp #OpenScience
ArAIEval shared tasks on persuasion technique and disinformation detection.
More: https://araieval.gitlab.io/
Data/Code: https://shorturl.at/jlD37
@emnlpmeeting #NLProc #EMNLP2023 #arabicnlp #arabic
W/@MaramHasanain @Hamdy_Mubarak @wzaghouani, @preslav_nakov @giodsm Samir Abdelhakim
#nlproc #emnlp2023 #arabicnlp #arabic
Our ERC Award-winning #InterText team invites the Natural Language Processing community to explore low-resource cross-domain discourse analysis of peer reviews in our new #PragTag2023 Shared Task! Registration for the EMNLP-2023 Argument Mining Workshop is open: https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/13334
#ScholarlyCommunication #metascience #emnlp2023 #NLProc #ArgumentMining
#intertext #pragtag2023 #scholarlycommunication #metascience #emnlp2023 #nlproc #argumentmining
Whose brilliant idea was it to AC for #uist2023, #assets2023, #hcomp2023 and SC for #emnlp2023 all within about 6 weeks? https://media.giphy.com/media/3o6nVb3n424wXYDUJi/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e470stct6mkxosxtsdpvrxh3cg6zq1r759r4wqpo7ce&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
#uist2023 #assets2023 #HCOMP2023 #emnlp2023
🔮 #BlackboxNLP will be back in 2023 at #EMNLP2023! ❄ We will keep updates posted on our website: https://blackboxnlp.github.io
While you wait, also check out our YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@blackboxnlp
EMNLP 2023 in Singapore!
RT @casszzx@twitter.com
Maybe see you again next year, at Sentosa island, Singapore #emnlp #emnlp2023 @HuiyinXue@twitter.com @nikaletras@twitter.com @SheffieldNLP@twitter.com