REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 as regards requirements for credit risk, credit valuation adjustment risk, operational risk, market risk and the output floor, European Parliament, February 9, 2023
— Available here:
#cryptoassets #digitalassets #emoney #riskmanagement #regulation #banking #financialservices #payments #MiCA #Europarl #EuropeanParliament #BCBS #Euroarea #Europe
#Europe #euroarea #BCBS #europeanparliament #europarl #mica #payments #financialservices #banking #regulation #riskmanagement #emoney #digitalassets #cryptoassets
I know exactly how you feel. The first few of pages in PayPay's setup turned me against it from the start... didn't bother finishing it. My #GooglePay Suica (phone) and #GarminPay Suica (watch) have by far been the most reliable and trouble free. I can charge both by credit card from devices and #Suica is accepted all over Japan... except a few stubborn shops here in West Japan that only accept Edy, auPay, PayPay or ICOCA.
I wish Japan would unify #eMoney, but that'll never happen.
#googlepay #garminpay #suica #emoney
if you need to #email me or #etransfer #interac me here is my #contact #emoney #cash #money #btc #ContestAlert #entry #contestentry #contestgiveaway
#email #etransfer #interac #contact #emoney #cash #money #BTC #contestalert #entry #contestentry #contestgiveaway
if you need to #email me or #etransfer #interac me here is my #contact #emoney #cash #money #btc #ContestAlert #entry #contestentry #contestgiveaway
#email #etransfer #interac #contact #emoney #cash #money #BTC #contestalert #entry #contestentry #contestgiveaway
Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, Central Bank Authorizes TSTT and PESH to Issue Electronic Money in Trinidad and Tobago, February 1, 2023
— Available here:
#fintech #emoney #digitalwallet #digitalpayments #financialservices #banking #payments #regulation #centralbanks #Trinidad #Tobago
#Tobago #trinidad #centralbanks #regulation #payments #banking #financialservices #DigitalPayments #digitalwallet #emoney #fintech
Marc Glowka, Anneke Kosse and Robert Szemere, Digital payments make gains but cash remains, CPMI Brief No. 1, Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures, January 2023
— Available here:
#paymentsystems #payments #digitalpayments #CBDC #cash #digitalcurrency #emoney #digitalization #banking #financialservices #financialinclusion #BIS #centralbanks
#centralbanks #bis #financialinclusion #financialservices #banking #digitalization #emoney #digitalcurrency #cash #cbdc #DigitalPayments #payments #paymentsystems
Tax transparency rules for crypto-asset transactions (DAC8), EU Legislation in Progress, European Parliament, January 27, 2023.
— Available here:
#cryptoassets #emoney #regulation #taxation #reporting #identification #enforcement #banking #financialservices #DAC #EuropeanUnion #EuropeanParliament
#europeanparliament #EuropeanUnion #dac #financialservices #banking #enforcement #identification #reporting #taxation #regulation #emoney #cryptoassets
Central Bank of Ireland, "Re: Supervisory Findings and Expectations for Payment and Electronic Money (E-Money) Firms," January 20, 2023
#emoney #payments #riskmanagement #internalcontrol #compliance #audit #safeguarding #custody #governance #regulation #banksupervision #Ireland #centralbanks
#centralbanks #Ireland #banksupervision #regulation #governance #custody #safeguarding #audit #compliance #internalcontrol #riskmanagement #payments #emoney
Stefan Ingves, Eva Julin, Stefan Lindskog, Gabriel Söderberg, and David Vestin, "What is money and what is the role of the state in the payments market?," Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review 2022, vol. 2, pp. 6-25, December 16, 2022.
— Available here:
#ekrona #CBDC #stablecoin #cryptoassets #emoney #regulation #centralbanks #banking #financialservices #paymentsystems #Sweden
#sweden #paymentsystems #financialservices #banking #centralbanks #regulation #emoney #cryptoassets #stablecoin #cbdc #ekrona
Paid my credit card bills via Maya, and I still wasn't charged with extra convenience fees. Those fees from the other popular e-money service do add up, you know.