When checking in with yourself means “no one home”
A common phrase I see not just in yoga classes, but among coaches in general (especially the short social media posts designed to garner interaction and feed the algorithm) is to "check in with your b
#Autism #ForYogaTeachers #Perioperception #TraumaInformedYoga #alexithymia #BodyAwareness #BodyCheckIn #EmotionalAwareness #interoception #NervousSystem #PTSD
#autism #ForYogaTeachers #Perioperception #TraumaInformedYoga #alexithymia #bodyawareness #bodycheckin #emotionalawareness #Interoception #nervoussystem #PTSD
@abbyvanmuijen@twitter.com and @mich_mcghee@twitter.com take you on a journey of #EmotionalAwareness and the power of naming your #emotions. https://flowingdata.com/2022/12/21/visual-exploration-through-emotional-granularity/ #DataViz #Infographics #GraphicDesign via @flowingdata@twitter.com
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It is important that people prepare themselves mentally and emotionally for whatever the outcome will be on election night and after. 💙
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