We need the have the equivalent conversation about the "emotional butlers to White people" type of Indigenous people like LakotaMan1 & others who cater to exclusively White audiences & White funders. & they fetishize & alienate the communities they came from.
I'm happy to rant at length in person or via any medium on this topic. (Making a YouTube video is way too much trouble, but still I enjoy these philosophical analysis conversations on cultural representation & cultural integrity.)
This lady in this video is great, & right on target. Watch this video, it is spicy, in a good way.
#EmotionalButlersToWhitePeople #EmotionalButler #WhitePeople
#MinstrelShow #BlackfaceMinstrelShow
#AcceptableNegro #AcceptableNative #AcceptableIndigenous #EmmanuelAcho
#emotionalbutlerstowhitepeople #emotionalbutler #whitepeople #lakotaman1 #minstrelshow #blackfaceminstrelshow #brownfaceminstrel #acceptablenegro #acceptablenative #acceptableindigenous #emmanuelacho