Finally warm enough to get into bee hives. One hive is lost. After doing the post mortem, I think this hive had lost the queen possibly last fall. Top box completely full of honey, bottom box with empty brood frames surrounded by honey. Dead bees mostly just on the bottom. There had been a couple of huge die-offs when there was still snow on the ground. Still some were alive 4 weeks ago but soon after were done. It sucks but they were never a strong hive right from the beginning. In retrospect, I should have re-queened last summer.
Strong hive is 2 boxes full of bees. They still have honey but they had eaten all the candy board and all the pollen pattie I gave them a couple of weeks ago. Very active and healthy. Still not warm enough to do a full inspection. I think this one needs to be split as soon as weather and resources permit. The nice thing was that even though it was quite an intrusion to them and they got pretty excited, they were not aggressive to me. I am happy how these genetics are playing out.
Have a new nuc from the same place as the strong box coming in 4 weeks so they will get full frames of honey to start them off. Hail to the Wee Girls.
#beekeeping #bees #homesteading #emotionallabour #learning
Emotional Labour in Female-Centric Workplaces | Journey to Diversity Workplaces #J2DW #Women #Labour #EmotionalLabour #WomensWork #HamOnt #onpoli #cdnpoli @cdnpoli
#j2dw #women #labour #emotionallabour #womenswork #hamont #onpoli #cdnpoli
A long-ish article from The Conversation @TheConversationUK published earlier this month - but timely. The UK government is failing the #nhs and failing the people of Britain. The article isn’t about politics but rather about what it is really like to be a nurse in UK now. #hospitals #a&e #emotionalLabour #caringWork #supportTheNursesStrike
#nhs #hospitals #a #emotionallabour #caringwork #supportthenursesstrike
Some may say that we have an obligation to then teach anti-racism to these other groups of users on certain instances. That is probably true. But it is important to realize that this means extra #emotionallabour for Black and minoritized folk who want to join the #fediverse, if we white people are not willing to do the labor.
Very happy to be at #TASA2022 this week. Presented some of my work on emotional labour and hair and beauty salons yesterday. You can read the whole paper open access here: #academia #sociology #culturalstudies #beauty #emotionallabour #salon
#salon #emotionallabour #beauty #culturalstudies #sociology #academia #tasa2022
Morning from The Great White North (TM).
I've been dealing all week with people telling me how great this weather is for driving, and I'm nearing the end of my patience, but I'm leashed by politeness. I want to channel some #FeministKilljoy vibes into this conversation, because the #EmotionalLabour of pretending everything is fine even in micro-interactions is starting to really get to me.
#FeministKilljoy #emotionallabour #climatedisaster #climateanxiety #solastalgia #canada
Quote out of context from the title #emotionallabour #feminism #intersectional
"In my mind, we do not have a gendered household ... all in all we try to split chores evenly. But I just asked my partner ... if that is indeed true and her answer was an empathic and immediate, “No.” For example, she does book all the doctor appointments for our daughter, ..... The lesson is simple: Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Ask."
#emotionallabour #feminism #intersectional
The "clearing the table" example in here is excellent, also is generally what happens when I start to clean up a table or similar task; I hope that reflects well on me.
You don't really need to read any more of the piece than this quote.
"Women have been raised since being wee nippers to think that they're good at empathy, selflessness and making others feel good. And so with any situation in which we're given some power, we're going to hang on to it because it's ours. Even if we actually hate it, it's still ours."
""In most New Zealand households, Santa is a woman.
She’s the woman who starts putting stocking fillers aside in January. She’s the woman who ...
That a woman can’t possibly “be Santa” in a world where most Santas are women is a glaring example of the invisible mental and emotional work that women do, particularly at Christmas."