For anyone who’s ever been #abused by a #narcissist, #borderline, #histrionic, #psychopath or #ClusterB variety pack. Anyone who’s been the target of #gaslighting, #projection, #DARVO, #PathologicalLying, #EmotionalReasoning, #CircularLogic and other #mindfuckery and thought, Why? What? Huh? Does s/he know they’re lying?” Read this quote from #SpareMe by #PrinceHarry.
Furthermore, any #therapist, #psychologist or other mental health worker who peddles this kind of twaddle is not helping you. Best case, they’re just regurgitating something they were taught in grad school and it hasn’t occurred to them to question it. Worst case, they have their own #PersonalityDisorder traits of their own.
#NPD #BPD #HPD #AbuseHasNoGender #FactsMatter #ObjectiveRealityMatters #Markled
#abused #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #psychopath #clusterb #gaslighting #projection #darvo #pathologicallying #emotionalreasoning #circularlogic #mindfuckery #spareme #princeharry #therapist #psychologist #personalitydisorder #npd #bpd #hpd #abusehasnogender #factsmatter #objectiverealitymatters #markled
#RedFlag: She's surprised, dumbfounded, incredulous upon learning that men are actual human beings with feelings that can be hurt, too.
Then, when the #CognitiveDissonance kicks in, becomes argumentative and dismissive using "patriarchal oppression" to justify dehumanizing half the world's population. Why? Because #EmotionalReasoning, #BPDLogic, #NPDLogic, #GenderStudies #WordSalad, a woman's feelings are more important than a man's feelings, #EmotionalLabor bullshit.
If the woman is a therapist, this is 1000x scarier. Especially if you're seeing her in a professional capacity.
#AbuseHasNoGender #BPD #NPD #HPD #histrionic #narcissist #borderline
#redflag #cognitivedissonance #emotionalreasoning #bpdlogic #npdlogic #genderstudies #WordSalad #emotionallabor #abusehasnogender #bpd #npd #hpd #histrionic #narcissist #borderline
The investigations of #crypto exchange #FTX bankruptcy and the cops in Louisiana for shooting a black man share some similarities. In both cases we need to look at the existing regulations and decide: are they sufficient, are they being enforced, or do we need new rules. Let's employ #CriticalThinking and avoid #emotionalreasoning
#crypto #FTX #criticalthinking #emotionalreasoning
#NarcissistDictionary: "I'm sorry you feel that way" is #NPD/ #BPD/ #HPD for "F--k your feelings."
Typically, a #narcissist, #borderline or #histrionic doesn't feel remorse or regret for the hurt, pain and destruction they perpetrate on their victims. Their inability to take #responsibility for their actions, lack of #empathy and a #conscience and tendency of #splitting, #BlackAndWhiteThinking and #EmotionalReasoning make it virtually impossible.
The only time these individuals feel #sorry is when they feel sorry for themselves. For example, when they finally experience a consequence for their #antisocial behavior. Or, they don't get whatever it is they've been lying, scheming, manipulating and bullying to obtain.
Saying "I'm sorry you feel that way" isn't an #apology. It's an abdication of responsibility. Basically, the message is, "Your feelings are your problem, not mine." If the NPD/BPD/HPD smirks while saying it, they're most definitely not sorry. They gloating and delighting in having inflicted pain upon you.
*Please note, while I don't know it for a fact #AmberHeardIsALiar said "I'm sorry you feel that way" to #JohnnyDeppWon, I just know that it's true (to paraphrase a running Bill Maher segment).
I chose one of #AmberHeard's many #smirk photos because her smirks are the smirkiest smirks. The arrogance, contempt and disdain oozes from the corners of her mouth. In addition to being a #PathologicalLiar, #FalseAccuser and perpetrator of #DomesticViolence, she's now officially a #deadbeat. Apparently, she's hiding out in Europe claiming to be a homeless person. Her argument being, the Virginia court can't collect a judgment from her is she is stateless. In other words, DEADBEAT.
#narcissistdictionary #npd #bpd #hpd #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #responsibility #empathy #conscience #splitting #blackandwhitethinking #emotionalreasoning #sorry #antisocial #apology #amberheardisaliar #johnnydeppwon #amberheard #smirk #pathologicalliar #falseaccuser #domesticviolence #deadbeat #abusehasnogender #mentoo