I wish I had a magic key to open a door into a world that felt safe. I know that’s why I want to change the world, for myself and for others who feel this way. I can’t figure out how though.
You think we were all born sinners but you could never be capable of racism 🥴
#BLM #race #black #white #diversity #church #jesus #god #christian #christianity #christiannationalism #evangelicalism #systemicoppression #systemicracism #implicitbias #systemic #Justice #racism #antiracism #antiracist #churchhurt #egalitarianism #sexism #misogyny #trump #churchabuse #churchtrauma #spiritualabuse #spiritualtrauma #religiousabuse #religioustrauma #emotionalabuse #emotionaldamage #emotionaltrauma
#blm #race #black #white #diversity #church #jesus #god #christian #christianity #ChristianNationalism #evangelicalism #systemicoppression #systemicracism #implicitbias #systemic #justice #racism #antiracism #antiracist #churchhurt #egalitarianism #sexism #misogyny #trump #churchabuse #churchtrauma #SpiritualAbuse #spiritualtrauma #religiousabuse #religioustrauma #EmotionalAbuse #emotionaldamage #emotionaltrauma
So. Much. This!
I have added the text, for this video, as best I could, in the alt text.
The video is a scene, shot through a sliding glass door. Outside, it is snowing, in the backyard. Some trees, an awning, a shed, and a small red wagon are visible.
#Trauma #CPTSD #Recovery #Abuse #SexualAbuse #Gaslighting #Violence #EmotionalTrauma #MentalTrauma #Hope #ItExists #HopeIsReal #ISupportSurvivors #IGrieveTheOnesWhoDidntSurvive #IAmASurvivor #Survivor
#Trauma #CPTSD #recovery #abuse #sexualabuse #gaslighting #violence #emotionaltrauma #mentaltrauma #hope #itexists #hopeisreal #isupportsurvivors #igrievetheoneswhodidntsurvive #iamasurvivor #survivor
Some of us are victims of violence (varying forms) and the constant barrage of the shootings intermixed with trees and starry skies is creating some heartsick whiplash. I am not asking to be able to look away, but to be able to rest before we head back to battle. #PTSD #EmotionalTrauma #Retraumatized #Rest
#ptsd #emotionaltrauma #retraumatized #rest
Why do we freak out in romantic bonding?
#attachmentTrauma #emotionalTrauma #complextrauma
#trauma #cptsd
#attachmentTrauma #emotionaltrauma #complextrauma #trauma #cptsd