Dr Michelle · @nerdoscientist
30 followers · 13 posts · Server qoto.org

Who is talking about what I'm going to call ?
There's suddenly an influx of criticism of for research in & .

I feel like I've been beating that drum for years. But the new report (ico.org.uk/about-the-ico/media) seems to be driving the latest craze.

I feel people are missing the point though. It's not the tools. It's the people and their overestimation of for use .

Who's with me?

#neuroscience #psychology #facialcodinggate #facialcoding #marketingresearch #consumerresearch #emotion #ico #ai #emotionresearch

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Michelle · @nerdoscientist
30 followers · 13 posts · Server qoto.org

Who is talking about what I'm going to call ?
There's suddenly an influx of criticism of for research in & .

I feel like I've been beating that drum for years. But the new report (ico.org.uk/about-the-ico/media) seems to be driving the latest craze.

I feel people are missing the point though. It's not the tools. It's the people and their overestimation of for use .

Who's with me?

#ico #ai #marketingresearch #consumerresearch #emotionresearch #facialcodinggate #emotion #facialcoding

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex Danvers · @adanvers
322 followers · 386 posts · Server nerdculture.de

A colleague is doing a lit review on recent developments in the emotion regulation literature. Any recent articles that stick out to folks as particularly noteworthy or interesting?

Also happy to be pointed at emotion researcher accounts here--I'm just getting integrated into communities in the tootisphere.

#emotionregulation #academicresearch #psychology #psychresearch #emotion #emotionresearch

Last updated 2 years ago