Lecture pour un article de Sensible Moyen Âge. Une histoire des émotions dans l'Occident médiéval, de D. Boquet et P. Nagy
« La marque même des émotions du peuple, c’est qu’on n’y a jamais accès par son témoignage propre ; l’écran des sources est plus fort que jamais. » (p. 305)
Les entrées royales sont régulièrement évoquées 😉 et il y a de nombreuses réflexions très intéressantes, qui créent une sorte de tourbillon réflexif !
#emotions #moyenage #recherche #histoire
I find that I am much more able to be myself (unmask) on here than I am in person. 🤔
#actuallyautistic #neurospicy #emotions
I've found that not only do I have favorite #television shows I watch over and over again, but I have specific favorite episodes of those shows that I watch more than any of the others, usually to trigger specific #emotions—good cry episodes, episodes that make me feel pride and joy for a character's triumph, etc.
#television #emotions #actuallyautistic
Dealing with a #narcissist is hard on your #mind and #emotions.
Narcissists act in ways that are manipulative, controlling, cruel, and even evil.
It’s a virtual requirement as a politician.
To stop narcissists from controlling your mind and emotions, you first need to know how they do it and then come up with strategies that make you stronger
The narcissist can’t exist in a void, they must have sycophants whose loyalty is unswerving. But that’s for another story.
@martinamrein herzlich Willkommen :mastolove:
Lets talk about a #rEvolution #CRISPR_rEvolution 😃
#Neurosciences #Neuropsychology #Psychobiology #Sociobiology #DevelopmentalChild #Emotions #Love #Prenatalinfluences #Newborn #Brain #Wounds and #Injuries #Epigenetics
#Cannabis #Weedmob #Cannabinoide #Patent6630507 #Anslinger #Nazi
#Söder #Aiwanger #Lauterbach #Scholz #Buschmann #SPD #FDP #CSU #CDU
#cdu #csu #fdp #spd #Buschmann #scholz #nazi #anslinger #patent6630507 #cannabinoide #epigenetics #CRISPR_rEvolution #revolution #LastGeneration #fff #lauterbach #aiwanger #Soder #WeedMob #cannabis #injuries #wounds #brain #prenatalinfluences #love #newborn #emotions #developmentalchild #sociobiology #psychobiology #neuropsychology #neurosciences
Share Your Feelings Like a Spy - While hackers can deftly navigate their way through circuit diagrams or technical... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/08/share-your-feelings-like-a-spy/ #confessional #simonegiertz #lifehacks #emotions #feelings #shredder
#shredder #feelings #emotions #lifehacks #simonegiertz #confessional
❤ "We don't love someone for their physical appearance, for their clothes, or for their car, but because they sing a song that only you can hear." - Oscar Wilde
#oscarwilde #quote #love #relationships #emotions
Via Fabrice Pastor (Neuropsychologue) sur LinkedIn :
La peur est une #émotion qui joue un rôle central dans notre survie en tant qu'espèce. Elle nous alerte face au #danger et nous prépare à réagir.
💡 Comment je me sens ⚡:
La peur est fortement liée à l'amygdale, une petite structure en forme d'amande dans notre #cerveau.
#Neuroscience #Emotions #BienEtre #Psychologie #France
#LinkedInTopVoices #Engagement #SelfGrowth
Infographie par Igor Thiriez (Psychiatre)
#emotions #peur #emotion #danger #cerveau #neuroscience #bienetre #psychologie #france #linkedintopvoices #engagement #selfgrowth
Happy Wednesday y'all...
As it's #nationalreadabookday, what book would you love to read or would you go back and #read again?
Atop of my reading pile is this amazing book which @druid bought me for my birthday.
What do #books mean to you?
What #emotions do they conjure for you?
I have always loved and enjoyed books and couldn't imagine a world without books, #bookshops, #libraries & charity shops.
They have been my #teacher, they have been my refuge, they have challenged & reassured me.
#nationalreadabookday #read #books #emotions #bookshops #libraries #teacher
Voilà Ravage de #Barjavel fini. Un peu de désuétude au début, mais qu'elle #resilience et #émotions dans la suite.
#barjavel #resilience #emotions #roman #sciencefiction #findumonde #effondrement
we are not our emotions.
emotions are like clouds floating across the sky.
some are slower or faster than others, but they come and go regardless.
allow them to come and go without attachment.
#emotions #impermamence #thoughts #nonattachment #OpenHeart #SteadyMind #freedom #path #practice #JinpaLhaga
#emotions #impermamence #thoughts #nonattachment #openheart #steadymind #freedom #path #practice #jinpalhaga
"At best, emotions are instructive bits of sensory information, like a traffic light or a low-fuel gauge. And if we can choose to observe them instead of trying to manipulate them, we often learn something valuable."
We have 61 blog posts on #emotions! Why not check them out? For instance, here Tom Cochrane talks about his new book, The Emotional Mind http://imperfectcognitions.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-emotional-mind.html @philosophyofmind @psychology
I want to share something with you.
My therapist once told me, in regards to my relationship with my father:
“Like it or not, you have a relationship with your father. Everybody has a relationship with A father, even if they don’t have or ever had a father. Having a father is part of everyone’s psyche, therefore you have a relationship with a or your father. The only thing you need to do is define this relationship the best way it works for you. It doesn’t have to be ideal, it just needs to not jeopardize your life.”
#relationships #relationship #father #dad #daddy #therapy #psychology #emotions #son #thoughts #thinking #reasoning
#relationships #relationship #father #dad #daddy #therapy #psychology #emotions #son #thoughts #thinking #reasoning
Ken Anthony explores depression with depth on Emotions" #2023_08_22 #earmilk #malvika_padin #new_music #emotions #ken_anthony
#2023_08_22 #earmilk #malvika_padin #new_music #emotions #ken_anthony
Maxime Rovère : « Que faire des cons ? »
Introduction à son excellent livre durant TEDx Tours, 2020 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZamutZpubdY
#philosophie #emotions #connerie #conference
TheOnion: Study: Living Happy Life Strongly Correlated To Thinking About Property Values All The Time https://www.theonion.com/study-living-happy-life-strongly-correlated-to-thinkin-1850758452 #positivementalattitude #socialissues #lylegranger #contentment #happiness #emotions #values #zillow #virtue
#positivementalattitude #socialissues #lylegranger #contentment #happiness #emotions #values #zillow #virtue