Emperor Kammu (aka Kanmu) reigned in ancient Japan from 781 to 806 CE and is most noted for relocating the capital to Heiankyo (Kyoto) in 794 CE. https://www.worldhistory.org/Emperor_Kammu/ #History #EmperorKammu #EmperorofJapan #Enryakuji
#enryakuji #emperorofjapan #emperorkammu #History
Kukai or Kobo Daishi (774-835 CE) was a scholar, poet, and monk who founded Shingon Buddhism in Japan. The monk became the country's most important Buddhist saint and has been credited with all manner of minor miracles. Noted as a gifted sculptor and the inventor of Japanese writing, he also created the most important pilgrimage route still followed by believers today.
https://www.worldhistory.org/Kukai/ #Buddhism #EmperorKammu #HeianPeriod
#heianperiod #emperorkammu #buddhism
Emperor Kammu (aka Kanmu) reigned in ancient Japan from 781 to 806 CE and is most noted for relocating the capital to Heiankyo (Kyoto) in 794 CE. Kammu was one of the most powerful emperors Japan had seen or would ever see, and his reign witnessed a restructuring of the royal household and government, reducing the state's costs and making it better able to manage the country and fight corruptio...https://www.worldhistory.org/Emperor_Kammu/ #EmperorKammu #EmperorofJapan #Enryakuji
#enryakuji #emperorofjapan #emperorkammu