“PwC’s head of reputation quits as firm’s horror show continues”
Things are worse than I thought - a #HorrorShow worse than working for Christopher Pyne? #PWC #HeadOfReputation Talk about #EmperorsNewClothes
#horrorshow #pwc #headofreputation #emperorsnewclothes
Elon Musk reportedly forced Twitter algorithm to boost his tweets after Super Bowl flop
Meanwhile all #Tesla purchases come with an ensemble of #EmperorsNewClothes
@MrShoggoth I had colleagues who were early adopters of Bitcoin, even going to work for Butterfly Labs. As an engineer, I always felt the label “coin” was misleading. It is a virtual commodity, “BitStuff”, with no inherent value except what people assign to it. If only I had ignored my misgivings I could have cashed out like them. Anybody want a tulip bulb? #BitCoin #EmperorsNewClothes