Did you know you can manage multiple users using Starkiller for #EmpireC2Project?
#EmpireC2Project 4.10 is now available with new features like @joelgmsec PSRansom and official support for #ParrotOS.
#EmpireC2Project offers a comprehensive library of modules, all tagged with @mitreattack techniques.
Did you know that #EmpireC2Project offers an embedded chatroom in both the client and Starkiller?
Invoke-Assembly is an #EmpireC2Project module by @GuhnooPlusLinux that loads an assembly to memory and invokes the main method.
#EmpireC2Project includes a background keylogger that returns keystrokes while beaconing. Try it out now at https://github.com/BC-SECURITY/Empire.
#EmpireC2Project 5.0 includes RunOF, a C# BOF tool from @nettitude_labs. Check out all the latest features in 5.0 on the @kalilinux experimental repo.
#EmpireC2Project 5.0 includes RunOF, a C# BOF tool from @nettitude_labs. Check out all the latest features in 5.0 on the @kalilinux experimental repo.
The #EmpireC2Project supports an interactive shell for seamlessly controlling your agents.
The #EmpireC2Project supports an interactive shell for seamlessly controlling your agents.
Interested in all the features that #EmpireC2Project has to offer? Check out our docs to stay up-to-date!
Interested in all the features that #EmpireC2Project has to offer? Check out our docs to stay up-to-date!
Interested in all the features that #EmpireC2Project has to offer? Check out our docs to stay up-to-date!
Interested in all the features that #EmpireC2Project has to offer? Check out our docs to stay up-to-date!