#codeweavers is built on #employeeownership
Amazing to see them stay dedicated to the community!
#codeweavers #employeeownership
Could #EmployeeOwnership Help Narrow the #Racial #WealthGap?
#employeeownership #racial #wealthgap
Registration is live for our 2023 Vermont Employee Ownership Conference! If you're in or near #Vermont and have an interest in #WorkerCoops, #ESOPs, #EOTs, or #EmployeeOwnership in general, join us at UVM on Thursday, June 1!
Register here: https://veoc.org/21st-annual-vermont-employee-ownership-conference
#Vermont #WorkerCoops #ESOPs #eots #employeeownership
Once everyone's a Boss, there's only one leap left to make.
Discipline makes Daring possible #customerexperiencescore #employeeownership #thedisappearingboss
#thedisappearingboss #employeeownership #customerexperiencescore
This is a great compilation of #EmployeeOwnership "A-ha Moments" from advocates at state centers like VEOC, featuring our ED, @mattcropp, and other champions of the EO movement in the US.
We're honored to have Derek Peebles, Senior Director of Policy and Advocacy, Inclusive Economy of the American Sustainable Business Network, deliver this year's morning plenary session. Derek's work situates #EmployeeOwnership within the context of strengthening place-based finance and promoting restorative investments in local economies.
We've set the date for our annual Vermont #EmployeeOwnership Conference! This is our biggest outreach and education event of the year, drawing more than 200 professionals, #EmployeeOwners, and business owners from around #Vermont and beyond.
The conference is Thursday, June 1, at UVM's Davis Center in Burlington.
RSVP: https://veoc.org/21st-annual-vermont-employee-ownership-conference
#employeeownership #employeeowners #Vermont #vt #ESOPs #cooperatives #Coops #vtbiz
Very cool PhD position that I can recommend to anyone interested in studying #workercoops, #workplacedemocracy, #employeeownership and #employeeparticipation!
RT @matthijsbpunt
Together with @tvaskela, I am looking for a motivated #PhD candidate to study how worker cooperatives create and manage strategic resources at the University of Helsinki @helsinkiuni, including a research visit to us at @UUCopernicus.
#WorkerCoops #workplacedemocracy #employeeownership #employeeparticipation #phd
We're accepting applications for our 2023 summer internship through Feb. 10! This part-time, paid position includes helping out with our big annual conference in June, updating a survey of #Vermont #EmployeeOwned companies, making a report of the survey results, and a few other fun duties.
Please share the full details with anyone you know who may be interested: http://veoc.org/veoc-program-research-intern-summer-2023
#Vermont #EmployeeOwned #vt #employeeownership #ESOPs #cooperatives #Coops
Whilst a lot of the trends in the UK are pretty gloomy at the moment, one positive trend is the increase in businesses moving to #EmployeeOwnership.
That said, there are still many business owners who either aren't aware of this alternative exit route or they'll have misconceptions about how these work.
Therefore, in the below blog, a colleague and I explain how this model works including the advantages and misconceptions:
Exciting news on the #USpol front for #employeeownership. A bill that #BernieSanders has quixotically proposed for years, called The WORK Act, that funds the creation and expansion of state-level employee ownership centers finally made it into the big omnibus budget bill that looks like it's on track to pass.
It would allocate $50MM over 5 years, which would allow for many states to have folks doing dedicated outreach and education about #workercoops and #ESOPs for the first time.
#uspol #employeeownership #berniesanders #workercoops #esops
Just saw the news that #GardenersSupply founder #WillRaap recently passed away at 73. Gardener's is definitely one of Vermont's "flagship" #EmployeeOwned companies, and Will started the process very early in the company's life.
To get a taste of Will's early involvedment in #EmployeeOwnership check out this video of Will speaking at the "Progressive Entrepreneurship Forum" organized by then #BTV Mayor #BernieSanders in 1985: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTpmcJCAGn8
#gardenerssupply #willraap #EmployeeOwned #employeeownership #btv #berniesanders #esop #Vermont #vt #vtbiz
@dawnatella holy cow these ideas exactly, bloomed in my brain -as it happened- when I got to #anandgiridharadas uninspired disappointing conclusion to #winnerstakeall - eg, defeat #carnegie -ism by turning back to centralized wealth redistribution. Blecch, & dumb, because the oligarch’s lobbyists will always beat us at that game. Nope, thought I, the answer is #employeeownership , a moment which has since landed me in the #cooperative #multistakeholder #capitalism #defi camps!
#anandgiridharadas #WinnersTakeAll #carnegie #employeeownership #cooperative #multistakeholder #capitalism #defi
Some helpful links in this brief article from the National Center for Employee Ownership, referencing our new database:
Employee Ownership Trusts in the News https://www.nceo.org/employee-ownership-blog/employee-ownership-trusts-news
#employeeownership #workplacedemocracy
We're sad to learn that Bruce Seifer recently passed away. Bruce was intimately involved in the founding of VEOC and served on our board for a number of years.
He was a consistently strong advocate of #EmployeeOwnership going back to when he worked in Community #EconomicDevelopment under then-Mayor #BernieSanders in #BTV in the 1980s, and he leaves a profound legacy in #Vermont.
Many of the lessons he gleaned are shared in the book Sustainable Communities:
#employeeownership #economicdevelopment #berniesanders #btv #Vermont
We're sad to learn that Bruce Siefer recently passed away. Bruce was intimately involved in the founding of VEOC and served on our board for a number of years.
He was a consistently strong advocate of #EmployeeOwnership going back to when he worked in Community #EconomicDevelopment under then-Mayor #BernieSanders in #BTV in the 1980s, and he leaves a profound legacy in #Vermont.
#employeeownership #economicdevelopment #berniesanders #btv #Vermont
We released a new dataset today, and it got picked up for a feature by Impact Alpha! It includes all of the Perpetual Purpose Trusts and #EmployeeOwnership Trusts in the United States we could identify. I'd welcome chatting with anyone interested--do us a favor and tag folks you think might be?
Thinking that we should do something to organize the migration of #employeeownership folks to the fedi in a manner similar to what the historians have done: https://social.coop/@konrad/109395427605279069
Patagonia's recent ownership transition has received a lot of attention, but it should be seen as part of a much bigger wave of companies rethinking who should benefit most from profits.
From CNBC this weekend:
"B-Corp status, #EmployeeOwnership, and mutual organizations and #cooperatives are all models that allow more focus on creating stakeholder value, in addition to shareholder value.
'We are seeing significant growth in these alternative models,' Whelan said."
#employeeownership #cooperatives
Are you thinking about #employeeownership for your company? If you're exploring the feasibility of an #ESOP, one of the most consequential decisions you will make is deciding who will be the point person for the transaction -- the "quarterback." #NCEO members can join our Tuesday webinar series on Nov 22 to hear from the experts about choosing the right quarterback.
#employeeownership #esop #nceo