RT from UTAW (@UTAW_uk)
Workplace surveillance: help us understand the reality of it today. Doing so will be useful in working towards a cohesive and powerful response that improves the lives of workers in all industries. #employeesurveillance #surveillance https://utaw-employee-surveillance.typeform.com/to/JOGmMHsW
#employeesurveillance #surveillance
Employers can’t force you to get microchipped, Indiana reps say - The US state wants to make sure employers don't "overstep their bounds" by imposing mandatory empl... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/01/30/employers-cant-force-you-to-get-microchipped-indiana-reps-say/ #employeesurveillance #employeeaccess #housebill1143 #microchipping #surveillance #legislation #microchips #law&order #employees #employers #microchip #tracking #privacy #indiana #bill
#bill #indiana #privacy #tracking #microchip #employers #employees #law #microchips #legislation #surveillance #microchipping #housebill1143 #employeeaccess #employeesurveillance
Government spyware company spied on hundreds of innocent people - eSurv execs have been charged with fraud, unauthorized access to a computer system, illicit interc... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/01/30/government-spyware-company-spied-on-hundreds-of-innocent-people/ #employeesurveillance #governmentsecurity #unauthorizedaccess #securitythreats #salvatoreansani #‘ndrangheta #virusscans #law&order #blackteam #employees #dataloss #android #malware #privacy #mobile #esurv
#esurv #mobile #privacy #malware #android #dataloss #employees #blackteam #law #virusscans #salvatoreansani #securitythreats #unauthorizedaccess #governmentsecurity #employeesurveillance