@bbouts @Robert_Rowe @godlessmom Anyone, please link studies with a cost-benefit analysis of promoting #employeeretention versus #business models based on #employeeturnover.
This would vary by #industry. In a search, I found studies on #nursing and airline pilots.
Seems unlikely that #retail and #fastfood would care about making the jobs better for employees versus straight #automation.
Time for a #HumanUnion
#humanunion #automation #fastfood #retail #nursing #industry #employeeturnover #business #employeeretention
US Voluntary Employee Turnover Rates peaked in the spring this year at 38.3%.
In 2018 during that same time period voluntary turnover was 29.1% -- which at the time we thought was high.
Traditionally in the past voluntary turnover in the US would hover at around 15%.
#hr #employeeturnover #employeeretention