Congrats #Georgia there is hope for you! When I lived in #GA in the late 80’s (for a hot minute) #racism was so blatant I had to get out. Being from the #northeast I wasn’t used to that. #bipoc were so #oppressed and yes it’s still very deep and very dangerous. Yet there is #hope today! 💜 May ⏰ #heal the pain and #empowerpeople ☮️
#georgia #ga #racism #northeast #bipoc #oppressed #hope #heal #empowerpeople
What sets [#US and #China] apart is that our #Laws and our #Internet are rooted in, and reenforce, #Democracy, while China's laws and internet perpetuate #Authoritarianism and #PoliticalControl. Our internet is #decentralized and designed to #EmpowerPeople, China's internet is #Centralized and designed to #Control people. That is the fundamental difference. - Jacob Helberg
#USA #CCP #Spy #ColdWar #Security #Fascism #Totalitarianism #PoliceState #Geopolitics #InternationalRelations #HumanRights
#us #china #laws #internet #democracy #authoritarianism #politicalcontrol #decentralized #empowerpeople #centralized #control #usa #ccp #spy #coldwar #security #fascism #totalitarianism #policestate #geopolitics #internationalrelations #humanrights