So despite Trump being fine with Mike Pence being murdered by a mob, most evangelicals would vote for him in 2024? If you are still in that godforsaken cult, get out, now. #EmptyThePews 🇺🇸#Evangelicals #RememberJanuary6th
#emptythepews #evangelicals #rememberjanuary6th
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 12:01 PM ET
More than 1,900 minors were sexually abused by people in Catholic ministry in Illinois over almost 70 years, the state said in a report.
More than 450 credibly accused child sex abusers have ministered in the Catholic Church in Illinois over almost seven decades, the office of the state’s attorney general said. That is more than four times the number that the church had publicly disclosed before 2018. #religion #emptythepews
Chrissy’s journey out of #evangelicalism, her creation of the hashtag #EmptyThePews, and her thoughts on #Christian #nationalism today. We also talk about Christian privilege and how it can be unwittingly maintained even by #atheists. In the lightning round, we learn whether a “true #atheist” can be a #Christiannationalist.
#evangelicalism #emptythepews #christian #nationalism #atheists #atheist #christiannationalist
Fuck your thoughts and prayers.
Your stupid superstitions are destroying the country and the planet.
#theists #emptythepews #atheist #faith
Grooming children is one of the most essential elements of religions' business models.
Ask your doctor if denying reality and living in a fantasy world is right for you.
#religionpoisonseverything #emptythepews
Working my way through His Dark Materials and oh man it's hard not to get triggered. The church tearing the souls out of innocent little children in order to gain more power and control is a bit too close to home for me. Rings true to my childhood in Evangelicalism. #EmptyThePews #Atheist
Every. Single. Time. I think I know just about all the dirt on evangelicalism, they go “hold my beer.”
How did I miss that Steven Curtis Chapman has a song PRAISING the Spanish murderer Cortez????? How did I miss Burn the Ships??? (I mean, I guess I’m kinda glad I did, but… REALLY?!?!?) #Exvangelical #EmptyThePews #StevenCurtisChapman
#exvangelical #emptythepews #stevencurtischapman
I can't help but feel happy thinking about how many fewer children might face hate, abuse, being disowned, and/or told daily that they deserve to be tortured for all eternity and the pain should never ever stop. #EmptyThePews #ExEvangelical #Apostate
#apostate #exevangelical #emptythepews
Happy #Advent!
It's the advent of a new age of enlightenment, when your silly religion is finally cast upon the dungheap of mythologies.
#advent #emptythepews #realitynotfantasy
The only surprise here is that someone called him on it right in public like that!
#Evangelical #Hypocrisy #EmptyThePews
#evangelical #hypocrisy #emptythepews
Can you imagine how horrible this sounds to a parent watching a child dying? Or a young boy being raped by a #PedophilePriest?
#ExChristian #atheist #EmptyThePews #EndReligion
#endreligion #emptythepews #atheist #exchristian #pedophilepriest
1. Let's talk about some of the striking new data we have showing the extent to which white evangelicals are the single most racist and nativist demographic in America. No white Christian demographic is doing great. But evangelicals are the absolute worst. #EmptyThePews #Resist