#Taiji Jagdsaison hat wieder begonnen und startet, glücklicherweise, mit #bluecove days.
Wer in Delphinshows geht unterstützt diese barbarische Art der Jagd #emptythetanks #DontBuyATicket www.dolphinproject.com
#taiji #bluecove #emptythetanks #DontBuyATicket
Lolita The Orca Is Dead https://www.dolphinproject.com/blog/lolita-the-orca-is-dead/ Lolita’s presumed mother is Ocean Sun (L25). In her 80s, she still swims free 🐬 #Whales #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #Orcas #Dolphins #AnimalWelfare #AnimalAbuse #EmptyTheTanks
#emptythetanks #animalabuse #animalwelfare #dolphins #orcas #marinemammals #cetaceans #whales
This is heartbreaking! She was so close to freedom after 50+ years in captivity. 🐋
It is so sad and shocking to me that people do turn out to be horrified by mass #whale and #dolphin strandings, but Taiji is still permitted its extremely high death toll hunts and captures.
#TheCove #EmptyTheTanks #BanWhaleHunting
#whale #dolphin #thecove #emptythetanks #banwhalehunting
The Exploitation Of Captive #Orcas In France https://www.dolphinproject.com/blog/the-exploitation-of-captive-orcas-in-france/ 🐬 #Dolpins #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #AnimalWelfare #AnimalCruelty #EmptyTheTanks
#emptythetanks #animalcruelty #animalwelfare #marinemammals #cetaceans #dolpins #orcas
We can but hope this is true!
Captured Southern Resident #orca Lolita to return to Puget Sound after more than 50 years
https://komonews.com/news/local/captured-southern-resident-orca-lolita-to-return-to-puget-sound-after-50-years-miami-seaquarium-dolphin-company-tokitae-lumni-salish-sea-whidbey-island-washington-whales 🐬 #MarineMammals #Cetaceans #EmptyTheTanks #AnimalWelfare
#animalwelfare #emptythetanks #cetaceans #marinemammals #orca
Death of ‘world’s loneliest #orca’ sparks calls for change https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/mar/17/death-of-worlds-loneliest-orca-mourned-but-celebrated-for-helping-change-law 🐋 #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #Whales #Dolphins
#EmptyTheTanks #AnimalWelfare
#animalwelfare #emptythetanks #dolphins #whales #marinemammals #cetaceans #orca
Will #Japan Ever Acknowledge #Dolphins’ Suffering? https://www.dolphinproject.com/blog/will-japan-ever-acknowledge-dolphins-suffering/ 🐬 #AnimalWelfare #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #AnimalAbuse #Whaling #EmptyTheTanks
#emptythetanks #whaling #animalabuse #marinemammals #cetaceans #animalwelfare #dolphins #Japan
Will #Japan Ever Acknowledge #Dolphins’ Suffering? https://www.dolphinproject.com/blog/will-japan-ever-acknowledge-dolphins-suffering/ 🐬 #AnimalWelfare #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #AnimalAbuse #Whaling #EmptyTheTanks
#emptythetanks #whaling #animalabuse #marinemammals #cetaceans #animalwelfare #dolphins #Japan
2023: brutal for #dolphins swimming near Taiji https://blog.afd.org.au/uncategorized/2023-brutal-for-dolphins-swimming-near-taiji/ 🐬 #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #AnimalWelfare #EmptyTheTanks #Japan #Whaling
#whaling #Japan #emptythetanks #animalwelfare #marinemammals #cetaceans #dolphins
2023: brutal for #dolphins swimming near Taiji https://blog.afd.org.au/uncategorized/2023-brutal-for-dolphins-swimming-near-taiji/ 🐬 #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #AnimalWelfare #EmptyTheTanks #Japan #Whaling
#whaling #Japan #emptythetanks #animalwelfare #marinemammals #cetaceans #dolphins
Four #Dolphins Dead In Ten Months At The Mirage https://www.dolphinproject.com/blog/four-dolphins-dead-in-ten-months-at-the-mirage/ 🐬 #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #AnimalWelfare #EmptyTheTanks
#emptythetanks #animalwelfare #marinemammals #cetaceans #dolphins
Four #Dolphins Dead In Ten Months At The Mirage https://www.dolphinproject.com/blog/four-dolphins-dead-in-ten-months-at-the-mirage/ 🐬 #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #AnimalWelfare #EmptyTheTanks
#emptythetanks #animalwelfare #marinemammals #cetaceans #dolphins
RT @MoveTheWorldUS@twitter.com
Wild animals belong in the wild, not in captivity. #EmptyTheTanks
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MoveTheWorldUS/status/1619355956592230406
Major UK travel companies have stopped selling tickets to marine parks that imprison orcas in cramped tanks of chemically treated water around 10,000 times smaller than their home range – except @jet2tweets. 😡 Take action to help #EmptyTheTanks.
RT @VanGzip65@twitter.com
#EmptyTheTanks https://twitter.com/MoveTheWorldUS/status/1613175220617252864
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VanGzip65/status/1613230261809856512
#DontBuyATicket #emptythetanks
Sign the petition! Members of Congress: End Swim-With-#Dolphin programs http://dolphinproject.net/take-action/petition-end-swim-with-dolphin-programs/?source=direct_link& 🐬 #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #Dolphins #AnimalWelfare #AnimalCruelty #AnimalAbuse #EmptyTheTanks
#emptythetanks #animalabuse #animalcruelty #animalwelfare #dolphins #marinemammals #cetaceans #dolphin
RT @noodlemaz@twitter.com
Oh this is so gross. Why there? Go to a beach or something.
I saw #TheWayOfWater last night and what I hoped might come from it was some more young people who understand how important it is to #EmptyTheTanks.
Cetaceans need better, holding them is abominable cruelty. https://twitter.com/Dolphin_Project/status/1604834223218724864
Oh this is so gross. Why there? Go to a beach or something.
I saw #TheWayOfWater last night and what I hoped might come from it was some more young people who understand how important it is to #EmptyTheTanks.
Cetaceans need better, holding them is abominable cruelty.