Festival Review: Steelhouse 2023 – Sunday
It’s a soggy start to Sunday. The sky is grey and the rain persists pretty much all day. But everyone on the mountain perseveres between staff, volunteers, bands, and perhaps most importantly, the patrons
#GigReviews #BlackStoneCherry #ElegantWeapons #Empyre #KiraMac #SteelhouseFestival #TheAnswer #TheCruelKnives #TheVintageCaravan #TroyRedfern
#troyredfern #thevintagecaravan #thecruelknives #theanswer #steelhousefestival #kiramac #empyre #elegantweapons #blackstonecherry #GigReviews
Festival Review: Station 18 Festival – Hangar 18, Swansea (Day 3: 30th April 2023)
Final weather report. It’s wet. Much more representative Welsh Bank Holiday weekend weather but the temperature inside Hangar 18 is warm, and abo
#GigReviews #BadTouch #Bastette #Empyre #JustaRide #KingKraken #Scarsun #Station18Festival #TakeawayThieves #WhiteRavenDown
#whiteravendown #takeawaythieves #station18festival #scarsun #kingkraken #justaride #empyre #bastette #badtouch #GigReviews
Gig Review: EMPYRE / Black Orchid Empire – KK’s Steel Mill, Wolverhampton (22nd April 2023)
What an amazing atmosphere for Saturday night with EMPYRE headlining KK’s Steelmill, taking the audience by storm with their new album Relentless.
To start off the nights show, rock band Black Orchid Empir
#empyre #blackorchidempire #GigReviews
Video Roundup: Black7 / Paria / Empyre / Plastic Barricades / The Dark Side Of The Moon / Sortilège
Life has been getting in the way if me chucking too much stuff up on the website recently (thank you to all our other crew for writing review after review!), so here's a
#Videos #Black7 #Empyre #Paria #PlasticBarricades #Sortilège #TheDarkSideOfTheMoon
#thedarksideofthemoon #sortilege #plasticbarricades #paria #empyre #black7 #videos
Empyre Release AI-Generated Music Video for New Single “Waking Light” #2023_03_11 #v13 #graham_finney #album_news #alternativerock #music #news #album_news #artificial_intelligence #empyre
#2023_03_11 #v13 #graham_finney #album_news #alternativerock #music #news #artificial_intelligence #empyre
#eufoniavideos #FridayVideos #RockFriday
Empyre - "Hit And Run"
#Empyre #MusicVideos
#musicvideos #empyre #RockFriday #fridayvideos #eufoniavideos
Video Roundup: Those Damn Crows / Empyre / Die So Fluid / Oceanhoarse / Merlock / Katapult
As the year kicks off in full swing already, here's a bunch of the best visuals we've had this week...
Those Damn Crows
Rocket-fuelled Welsh lads Those Damn Crows blast into 2023, sharing the ca
#Videos #DieSoFluid #Empyre #Katapult #Merlock #Oceanhoarse #ThoseDamnCrows
#thosedamncrows #oceanhoarse #merlock #katapult #empyre #diesofluid #videos
#eufoniavideos #FridayVideos #RockFriday
Empyre - "Parasites"
#Empyre #MusicVideos
#musicvideos #empyre #RockFriday #fridayvideos #eufoniavideos
#eufoniavideos #FridayVideos #RockFriday
Empyre - "Parasites"
#Empyre #MusicVideos
#musicvideos #empyre #RockFriday #fridayvideos #eufoniavideos
Proudly been part of the online exhibition http://accumulations.online with Temporary Riparian Zone https://accumulations.online/trz.html with @ccl
Exhibition presented in association with the November, 2020 discussion on the -empyre- new media listserve, moderated by Daniel Lichtman.
-empyre- soft-skinned space is a global community of new media artists, curators, theorists, producers, and others who participate in monthly thematic discussions via an e-mail listserv.
Temporary Riparian Zone is an interface of exploring ways of "streaming" to each other, both through text (via the collaborative editor Etherpad), or through audio (via the streaming audio/video server Icecast) through forms of online live-ness and simultaneous participation that manifested through listening, waiting and responding. :nes_fire:
#listserve #streaming #exhibition #empyre #trz #etherpad #icecast
#icecast #etherpad #trz #empyre #exhibition #streaming #listserve