Rounding out a trifecta of AWS engines that now work with Tabular-managed #ApacheIceberg tables is our latest episode of Tabular Solutions highlighting AWS EMR. Tabular co-founder Jason Reid and Tabular Sr. Developer Advocate Shawn Gordon show how quick and easy it is to do. Previously we illustrated Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift.
#iceberg #datalake #apacheiceberg #datalakehouse #emr #tabular #dataengineering
#apacheiceberg #iceberg #DataLake #datalakehouse #emr #tabular #dataengineering
New AWS::EMR::WALWorkspace
Use properties to configure an Amazon EMR write-ahead log. #emr #cloudformation
Heute wäre Erich Maria Remarque 125 Jahre alt geworden. Anlässlich seines Geburtstages ist im Erich Maria Remarque-Friedenszentrum ab heute die Sonderausstellung „Networking Remarque“ zu bestaunen. Die Eröffnung findet um 17 Uhr statt. 🌐/cs #ubosnabrueck #erichmariaremarque #emr #ausstellung #networkingremarque
#ubosnabrueck #ErichMariaRemarque #emr #ausstellung #networkingremarque
23rd May:
1D18 08:31 #Dorking (Main) to #Leatherhead: On time.
21 #GWR On time.
3 #SWR On time.
3 #Thameslink On time.
3 #Southern On time.
1 #EMR On time.
31 Overall On time.
#GWR delays: 50 minutes.
#Southern delays: 32 minutes.
#SWR delays: 25 minutes.
#XCountry delays: 9 minutes.
#EMR delays: 4 minutes.
#Thameslink delays: 1 minute.
Overall delay: 2 hour & 1 minute.
2 Industrial Action Abandonment.
1 Industrial action related diversion
1 #GWR cancellation (1
#Dorking #Leatherhead #gwr #SWR #Thameslink #southern #emr #xcountry
9th May:
1V38 07:21 #Reigate to #DorkingDeepdene: On time.
1O81 18:55 #DorkingDeepdene to #Reigate: On time.
21 #GWR On time.
2 #SWR On time.
3 #Thameslink On time.
3 #Southern On time.
1 #EMR On time.
30 Overall On time.
#GWR delays: 50 minutes.
#Southern delays: 32 minutes.
#SWR delays: 25 minutes.
#XCountry delays: 9 minutes.
#EMR delays: 4 minutes.
#Thameslink delays: 1 minute.
Overall delay: 2 hour & 1 minute.
2 Industrial Action
#reigate #DorkingDeepdene #gwr #SWR #Thameslink #southern #emr #xcountry
When you promised yourself you’d get your notes done tonight but the remote Epic connection keeps failing 😭
#MedMastodon #EMR #sob
#EMR delays: 4 minutes.
#Thameslink delays: 1 minute.
Overall delay: 2 hour & 1 minute.
2 Industrial Action Abandonment.
1 Industrial action related diversion
1 #GWR cancellation (1 part cancellation).
2022 stats:
2021 stats:
2nd May:
2V50 07:40 #Reigate to #DorkingDeepdene: 10 minutes late: due to earlier signal failure.
1O81 18:55 #DorkingDeepdene to #Reigate: 18 minutes late: due to Level crossing issues at #Wokingham.
Daily delay (#GWR): 28 minutes.
19 #GWR On time.
2 #SWR On time.
3 #Thameslink On time.
3 #Southern On time.
1 #EMR On time.
28 Overall On time.
#GWR delays: 50 minutes.
#Southern delays: 32 minutes.
#SWR delays: 25 minutes.
#XCountry delays: 9
#reigate #DorkingDeepdene #Wokingham #gwr #SWR #Thameslink #southern #emr #xcountry
delays: 25 minutes.
#XCountry delays: 9 minutes.
#EMR delays: 4 minutes.
#Thameslink delays: 1 minute.
Overall delay: 1 hour & 33 minutes.
2 Industrial Action Abandonment.
1 Industrial action related diversion
2022 stats:
2021 stats:
1st May:
1C38 10:36 #Sheffield to #StPancrasInternational: 4 minutes late.
9R25 13:05 #StPancrasInternational to #Redhill: 1 minute late.
2V65 14:00 #Redhill to #Reigate: On time.
Daily delay (#EMR): 4 minutes.
Daily delay (#Thameslink): 1 minute.
19 #GWR On time.
2 #SWR On time.
3 #Thameslink On time.
3 #Southern On time.
1 #EMR On time.
28 Overall On time.
#GWR delays: 22 minutes.
#Southern delays: 32 minutes.
#Sheffield #stpancrasinternational #redhill #reigate #emr #Thameslink #gwr #SWR #southern
27th April:
10:56 #Sheffield to #Chesterfield: 9 minutes late
Daily delay (#XCountry): 9 minutes.
18 #GWR On time.
2 #SWR On time.
3 #Thameslink On time.
3 #Southern On time.
1 #EMR On time.
27 Overall On time.
#GWR delays: 22 minutes.
#Southern delays: 32 minutes.
#SWR delays: 25 minutes.
#XCountry delays: 9 minutes.
Overall delay: 1 hour & 28 minutes.
2 Industrial Action Abandonment.
1 Industrial action related diversion
2022 stats:
2021 stats:
#Sheffield #Chesterfield #xcountry #gwr #SWR #Thameslink #southern #emr
@quiri @hanna @biohumanisti @vittorio_fossofino also checks #emr eli Eliitin minuuttirunokisa.
Tarkoitukselliset kirjoitusvirheet on niiiiin koloja.
Aforismi alkaa sieltä / missä ajattelu on päättynyt
Karpo asioi kuten susikoira roi puntaroi eurokriisin vaikutuksia yhteiseloon / Mikä aika olla elossa
Lumi oli punavalkoinen /
se on intertekstuaalinen viittaus sisällissotaan /
Onneksi en kuollut siellä
Eliitin minuuttirunokilpailu on auki kahdeksan tuntia. Häsäri on #EMR
1. Saa käyttää vain minuutin.
2. Aika lähtee kun kirjoittaa ekan sanan.
3. Tyylilaji on tulenkantajat eli vapaa mitta.
4. Otsikot on kiellettyjä.
Aloitan kisan:
Tuo lasi haluaa syödä minut /
oksentaa minut välittömästi /
olla kuin sieni ilman sadettajaa /
ansaitsen palkinnon
Calling #doctors, #nurses, PAs, NPs, etc: Tips on #AI in #healthcare?
Complaints about the tech your health system is using, whether that's your #EHR or #EMR, #DAX, or even #ChatGPT?
Inbox is open: brittany.trang (at)
#doctors #nurses #ai #healthcare #ehr #emr #dax #chatgpt