New Ransom Payment Schemes Target Executives, Telemedicine - Ransomware groups are constantly devising new methods for infecting victims and co... #venusransomware #thecomingstorm #clopransomware #holdsecurity #webfraud2.0 #fabianwosar #ransomware #alexholden #emsisoft #tripwire #ta505 #cl0p
#cl0p #ta505 #tripwire #emsisoft #alexholden #ransomware #fabianwosar #webfraud2 #holdsecurity #clopransomware #thecomingstorm #venusransomware
Ransomware Group Debuts Searchable Victim Data - Cybercrime groups that specialize in stealing corporate data and demanding a ranso... #blackcatransomware #alittlesunshine #alphvransomware #thecomingstorm #brettcallow #ransomware #emsisoft
#emsisoft #ransomware #brettcallow #thecomingstorm #alphvransomware #alittlesunshine #blackcatransomware
Conti’s Ransomware Toll on the Healthcare Industry - Conti — one of the most ruthless and successful Russian ransomware groups — public... #healthcareinformationandmanagementsystemssociety #u.s.cybersecurity&infrastructuresecurityagency #healthinformationsharing&analysiscenter #neer-do-wellnews #alittlesunshine #ransomware #errolweiss #proofpoint #microsoft #emsisoft #zloader #emotet #h-isac
#h #emotet #zloader #emsisoft #microsoft #proofpoint #errolweiss #ransomware #alittlesunshine #neer #healthinformationsharing #u #healthcareinformationandmanagementsystemssociety
FYI: There is a free #Decryptor from #Emsisoft for victims of #Ransomware #Maze, #Egregor and #Sekhmet
#Sekhmet #Egregor #maze #ransomware #emsisoft #decryptor
FYI: Es gibt einen kostenlosen #Decryptor für Opfer der #Ransomware #Maze, #Egregor und #Sekhmet von #Emsisoft
#emsisoft #Sekhmet #Egregor #maze #ransomware #decryptor
Conti Ransom Gang Starts Selling Access to Victims - The Conti ransomware affiliate program appears to have altered its business plan r... #contiransomware #digitalshadows #fabianwosar #ransomware #ivanrighi #emsisoft #other #fin12 #revil #ryuk
#ryuk #revil #fin12 #other #emsisoft #ivanrighi #ransomware #fabianwosar #digitalshadows #contiransomware
Ransomware Gangs and the Name Game Distraction - It’s nice when ransomware gangs have their bitcoin stolen, malware servers shut do... #evgeniymikhailovichbogachev #blackmatterransomware #darksideransomware #babukransomware #griefransomware #revilransomware #thebusinessclub #cryptolocker #doppelpaymer #gameoverzeus #indrikspider #wastedlocker #crowdstrike #fabianwosar #ransomware #bitpaymer #emsisoft
#emsisoft #bitpaymer #ransomware #fabianwosar #crowdstrike #wastedlocker #indrikspider #gameoverzeus #doppelpaymer #cryptolocker #thebusinessclub #revilransomware #griefransomware #babukransomware #darksideransomware #blackmatterransomware #evgeniymikhailovichbogachev
The Life Cycle of a Breached Database - Every time there is another data breach, we are asked to change our password at th... #classicfootballshirts #alittlesunshine #databasebreach #ledgerbreach #webfraud2.0 #fabianwosar #weleakinfo #emsisoft #unit221b
#unit221b #emsisoft #weleakinfo #fabianwosar #webfraud2 #ledgerbreach #databasebreach #alittlesunshine #classicfootballshirts
Don’t Wanna Pay Ransom Gangs? Test Your Backups. - Browse the comments on virtually any story about a ransomware attack and you will ... #fabianwosar #ransomware #billsiegel #kimzetter #coveware #emsisoft
#emsisoft #coveware #kimzetter #billsiegel #ransomware #fabianwosar
Task Force Seeks to Disrupt Ransomware Payments - Some of the world’s top tech firms are backing a new industry task force focused o... #instituteforsecurityandtechnology #departmentofhomelandsecurity #disruptingransomwarepayments #u.k.nationalcrimeagency #u.s.treasurydepartment #u.s.justicedepartment #thewallstreetjournal #thecomingstorm #philipreiner #ransomware #microsoft #emsisoft #europol #fbi
#fbi #europol #emsisoft #microsoft #ransomware #philipreiner #thecomingstorm #thewallstreetjournal #u #disruptingransomwarepayments #departmentofhomelandsecurity #instituteforsecurityandtechnology
Ransom Gangs Emailing Victim Customers for Leverage - Some of the top ransomware gangs are deploying a new pressure tactic to push more ... #bleepingcomputer #thecomingstorm #lawrenceabrams #fabianwosar #ransomware #emsisoft #racetrac #revil #clop
#clop #revil #racetrac #emsisoft #ransomware #fabianwosar #lawrenceabrams #thecomingstorm #bleepingcomputer
Ransomware Group Turns to Facebook Ads - It’s bad enough that many ransomware gangs now have blogs where they publish data stolen from compan... #thecomingstorm #ragnarlocker #chrishodson #fabianwosar #ransomware #emsisoft
#emsisoft #ransomware #fabianwosar #chrishodson #ragnarlocker #thecomingstorm
Why Paying to Delete Stolen Data is Bonkers - Companies hit by ransomware often face a dual threat: Even if they avoid paying the ransom and can r... #alittlesunshine #fabianwosar #ransomware #coveware #emsisoft
#emsisoft #coveware #ransomware #fabianwosar #alittlesunshine
Ransomware Hit ATM Giant Diebold Nixdorf - Diebold Nixdorf, a major provider of automatic teller machines (ATMs) and payment technology to bank... more: #prolockransomware #bleepingcomputer #dieboldnixdorf #lawrenceabrams #fabianwosar #ransomware #emsisoft
#emsisoft #ransomware #fabianwosar #lawrenceabrams #dieboldnixdorf #bleepingcomputer #prolockransomware