I'm still so disappointed in the state of #SegaSaturn #emulation. #yabuse is the best #emulator I've found and it hardly supports 25% of the library. They're dozens of combinations of bios/#roms, and disc formats. The #8bit and #16bit systems are all #emulated so well, but the #32bit generation is still so patchy. It's easier to #emulate #NintendoSwitch! #retroGaming #gaming #videoGames #Sega
#sega #videogames #gaming #retrogaming #nintendoswitch #emulate #32bit #emulated #16bit #8bit #emulator #yabuse #emulation #segasaturn
Want your #Emulated games to show up like the Nintendo Switch Online game list on the #SteamDeck? Well now you can!
EmulationStation-DE just released version 2.0.0 which comes with a new theme engine and MUCH MORE!
This is #Psion MC Spreadsheet, running from an #emulated SSD.
If anyone has an old MC200 or MC400, we would like to hear from you. We're looking for old ROMs. We can provide the tools for you to dump those ROMs and send them to us!
On that note, I'd also like to thank @M0CUV. Your EDisAsm source code helped us build the tools necessary to get dumps of the old ROMs without resorting to desoldering flash chips.
Non avrei mai pensato che mi sarei davvero divertito con un emulatore di calcolatrice. Ma eccomi qui, a giocare con le calcolatrici grafiche della vecchia scuola che Internet Archive ha liberato dal loro telaio di plastica e messo in una forma digitale per far divertire tutti.
L'Internet Archive...
#29Gennaio #emulated
#ELI5: Why do older #emulated #games still occasionally slow down